My involvement included explaining to marketing
why we couldn't give them a list of all non-game Windows apps.
              -- [name withheld]
"And the cluefire burned brightly, and consumed the marketroids."
              -- Anthony de Boer
I don't see what C++ has to do with keeping people from shooting themselves
in the foot.  C++ will happily load the gun, offer you a drink to steady
your nerves, and help you aim.
              -- Peter da Silva
How about an Australian-language version? 'Your program just attempted an
illegal instruction.  No worries, mate.'
              -- Paul Tomblin
This was, apparently, beyond her ken.  So far beyond her ken that she was
well into barbie territory.
              -- J. D. Baldwin
I picked up a Magic 8-Ball the other day and it said 'Outlook not so good.'
I said 'Sure, but Microsoft still ships it.'
              -- Anonymous
SWMBO: Would you like to (perform household chore)?
me:    No.
At least, I'm bloody well tempted to reply with that, although it's been
proven over time to be a Relationship Reboot Sequence.
              -- David P. Murphy
by Tuesday.  You can do that, right?
              -- Lionel
It seems that we were audited recently, and the auditors found a certain
'f' word in the comments of a configuration file, and deemed that this
is a 'security risk'.
              -- Paul Fenwick
It's not hard, it's just asking for a visit by the fuckup fairy.
              -- Peter da Silva
I hate mornings.  I know they hate me back, too.
              -- Joel Gluth
The Write Many, Read Never drive.  For those people that don't know
their system has a /dev/null already.
              -- Rik Steenwinkel, singing the praises of 8mm Exabytes
I'm not sure if this is a good or a bad thing.
Probably a bad thing; most things are bad things.
              -- Nile Evil Bastard
Revenge is an integral part of forgiving and forgetting.
              -- The BOFH
Almost any animal is capable of learning a stimulus/response
association, given enough repetition.  -- Lionel Lauer
Experimental observation suggests that this isn't true if
double-clicking is involved.           -- Malcolm Ray
I once successfully declined a departmental retreat, saying that on
that day I planned instead to advance.
              -- Alan J. Rosenthal
Either way, it'll remind the clued that there's only one letter
difference between 'turkey' and 'turnkey'.
              -- Mike Andrews
The pluses in my current job include laughing in the face of Nobel
laureates who have just lost the only copy of their data.  (Hey,
I'm still a BOFH).
              -- Bob Dowling
Better to teach a man to fish than to give him a fish.  And if he can't
be bothered to learn to fish and starves to death, that's a good enough
outcome for me.
              -- Steve VanDevender
Compared to system administration, being cursed forever is a step up.
              -- Paul Tomko
We're the technical experts.  We were hired so that management could
ignore our recommendations and tell us how to do our jobs.
              -- Mike Andrews
I didn't need to sabotage anything.  Not being around to say "No that
won't work" or "you can't do it that way" is more than enough damage.
(Ego problem?  It's not a problem.)
              -- Graham Reed, on job endings
Stress, n.  The mental confusion and physiological upset resulting from
a mental/physical conflict, such as when the body wants to kick the
living shit out of some luser who richly deserves it, and the brain
veto-ing the proposition.
              -- Dan Holdsworth
They got rid of it because they judged it more trouble than it was worth.
(And considering they'd gone to great lengths to minimize its worth,
I suppose they were right.)
              -- J. D. Baldwin
Hmmm.  So I must use a permanent From line to accommodate your needs
to censor my free expresssion.  I don't think so.
              -- [luser]
OOOOOH!  OOOOOOOH!  We have our VERY OWN Freedom Knight to play with.
              -- Chris Rovers
If lusers got a clue, you'd be out of work.  No thanks necessary. :-)
              -- [uninvited git]
Duh.  If lusers got a clue we could _concentrate_ on our work.
              -- Lars Balker Rasmussen
Any research done on how to efficiently use computers has been long lost
in the mad rush to upgrade systems to do things that aren't needed by
people who don't understand what they are really supposed to do with them.
              -- Graham Reed
If nothing else, I can watch my cow-orkers dodge clues in a manner
vaguely reminescent of Keanu Reeves from The Matrix
              -- Justin Chandler
The lusers I've had to work with in the past would never need to dodge;
they've been armored in triple-plated apathy for so long you can almost
*hear* the clues ricochet off of them with an audible "pting".
              -- David P. Murphy
Don't even get me started on the MCSEs I know.  It's a miracle of
modern technology that some of these fsckwits still draw breath,
much less a paycheck.
              -- Marc Bowden
Surely the 98% of DNA we share with monkeys must be enough to stop
people from sinking this low.
              -- Frossie
There are mushrooms that can survive weeks, months without air or anything
to digest.  They just dry out and when water comes back, they wake up again.
              -- Jens Benecke
And then they call the helldesk to complain that their password has expired.
              -- Scripsit Tanuki the Raccoon-dog
Not that I'm annoyed at this particular bit of recto-plasmic sputum
which has crawled up from the depths of product mis-management to haunt me.
Not at all.
              -- Simon Burr
I have a feeling the auditors haven't looked at crontab yet,
but I'm curious to see if they deem a reference to "yogurt sucking maggots"
a security risk as well.
              -- Paul Fenwick
"A" is for Arrogance, properly done.
"B" is for Bastard, the New Zealand one.
"C" is for Cynic, jaded and tired;
    it's also for Caffeine, which keeps us all wired.
              -- Derick Siddoway
"D" for Delete, we'll do it to you;
"E" for 31337, the skr1pt-k1ddie's due.
"F" is for Format(1M), we use it on disks,
"G" is the middle name of the guy who does RISKS.
              -- Ben (void)
"H" for the Hubris that makes lusers luse;
"I"'m the Important one, the person who su(8)'s.
"J" is for Jaded, see "C" above;
"K" is for Kill(1), a command we all love.
              -- Ben (void)
"L" is for Luser, the sysadmin's bane,
"M" with a "4" keeps the mail gurus sane.
"N" is for No, whatever the question,
"O" is for Octal, the way of permissions.
              -- Ben (void)
"P" is for Password, have you changed yours lately?
"Q" is for Quotas, which simplify greatly.
"R" is for Random, a most useful quality,
"S" I can't tell you, it's against policy.
              -- Ben (void)
"T" is for TECO, a very old editor,
"U" is for Unix, which has no competitor.
"V" is the System whose Release 4 we wrestle with,
"W" is for W(1), to see who(1) we nestle with.
              -- Ben (void)
"X" is the windowing system from Hell,
"Y" do we use it?  The rest suck as well!
"Z" is for Zero, indicating success
It terminates programs -- and alphabets, yes.
              -- Ben (void)
I got told by a friend's ex-girlfriend that she could tell I was
a Linux geek from the way I *walked*.
              -- Skud
I don't have a sense of humour, merely an over-exaggerated sense of revenge.
              -- Stephen Harris
I think it's a beautiful day to go to the zoo and feed the ducks.
To the lions.
              -- Brian Kantor
Frankly, your argument wouldn't float were the sea composed of mercury.
              -- Biff
Progress (n.): The process through which Usenet has evolved from
smart people in front of dumb terminals to dumb people in front
of smart terminals.
              -- obs@burnout.demon.co.uk
Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; give him a freshly-charged
Electric Eel and chances are he won't bother you for anything ever again.
              -- Tanuki
When C++ is your hammer, everything looks like a thumb.
              -- Steven M. Haflich
IMHO WinTelnet is one of those situations in which both fish and
firearm are firmly bracketed to the barrel itself, in perfect
alignment, and actually walking up and pulling the trigger starts
to fall into the "Why Bother?" category.
              -- Anthony deBoer
Anyone want to help write _Survival for Dummies_? -- pretty short:
"Don't" in large, friendly letters.
              -- Joe Moore
I was absolutely horrified to see a book entitled 'C++ for dummies'.
What is the potential market for this book?  What programmer considers
themself to be a dummy?  Who wants to run code written by a dummy?
And perhaps more importantly, someone who *considers themselves* to
be a dummy?
              -- Matthew Wilcox
WARNING: This book is crammed with loads of deliberate misinformation
designed for the sole purpose of helping lusers darwinate in spectacular
ways for the amusement of those more intelligent.
              -- henke
The only thing I'd use on guinea-fowl is a shredder.  Same with peacocks.
The sound of peacocks being shredded can't possibly be any worse than
the sound of peacocks not being shredded.
              -- Tanuki
I think I'd like to see a Simpsons episode starting up with Bart Simpson
writing "I will not attempt to undermine the Usenet Cabal".
              -- J. D. Falk
For their next act, they'll no doubt be buying a firewall running under NT,
which makes about as much sense as building a prison out of meringue.
              -- Tanuki
You can lead an idiot to knowledge but you cannot make him think.  You can,
however, rectally insert the information, printed on stone tablets, using a
sharpened poker.
              -- Nicolai
Usenet should require licenses; licenses that can be revoked.
              -- Abigail
It's possible there had been armed autonomous droids at some point in the past,
and one can almost imagine past issues of that galaxy's Risks Digest.
              -- Anthony DeBoer, on SW: TPM
A *huge* proportion of people cannot make *correct and accurate*
generalisations of principles.  They have to learn everything as if
it's an unrelated piece of crap, BECAUSE THEY ARE STUPID! PEOPLE ARE STUPID!
              -- Thorfinn
Don't use this code for realtime control, for weapons systems, or for
anything else that may put life or limb at hazard.  It isn't man-rated,
it isn't really thing-rated, and we don't claim that it's worth a good
G*dDamn for anything at all, at all.
              -- Mike Andrews, on Java compilers
The consquences of any action will never be fully understood until after
it's too late to do anything about it.
              -- Schwartz's Second Law
I love the way Microsoft follows standards.  In much the same manner that
fish follow migrating caribou.
              -- Paul Tomblin
Windows gives you a nice view of clouds so you can't see any potentially
useful boot time messages.
              -- Bill Hay
People who are willing to rely on the government to keep them safe are
pretty much standing on Darwin's mat, pounding on the door, screaming,
'Take me, take me!'
              -- Carl Jacobs
I'm an apatheist.  The question is no longer interesting, and the answer
no longer matters.
              -- petro
I never really understood how there could be things that would drive you
insane just because you knew them until I ran into Windows.
              -- Peter da Silva
...and the French an excuse to use their traditional battle cry.
              -- Firebeard
"We surrender, here, have my daughter?"
              -- Paul Tomblin
If I had encountered Bill Gates today, I would have shaken his hand,
said "hello", and stopped kicking as soon as there was nothing left
but a bloody stain on the floor.
              -- Shag
I'm not one of those who think Bill Gates is the devil.  I simply
suspect that if Microsoft ever met up with the devil, it wouldn't
need an interpreter.
              -- Nick Petreley
I find that anthropomorphism really doesn't help me deal with hardware
all that much, because it lends a certain attitude of disdain to what
would otherwise be a mere malfunction.
              -- Carl Jacobs
Failure is not an option.  It comes bundled with your Microsoft product.
              -- Ferenc Mantfeld
If you continue to annoy us, you may find that we prefer the solution of
inducing you leave to the solution of deleting your posts.
We are not gentle tolerant people.  We like drastically effective solutions.
              -- Steve VanDevender
They're only floundering and helpless when trying to get you to do stuff
for them.  It's an act.  Actually they are scheming little fsckers, and
nothing fascinates them as much as some person playing with them by
giving them clues and mocking them.
              -- Chris Johnson describes lusers
I still think buying a book of that title from Microsoft Press would
be like buying a handbook for humanitarians from Pol Pot.
              -- Paul Tomblin, about _Writing Solid Code_
Is it just me, or does anyone else here find it vaguely unsettling
that you get your theology from Star Trek?
              -- Anthony DeBoer
Yeah, he should get it from B5 like us normal people.
              -- Paul Tomblin
The way NT mounts filesystems is something I'd expect to find in a
barnyard or on a stock-breeding farm.
              -- Mike Andrews
I work for an investment bank.  I have dealt with code written by stock
exchanges.  I have seen how the computer systems that store your money
are run.  If I ever make a fortune, I will store it in gold bullion
under my bed.
              -- Matthew Crosby
The world is *not* a place where equality reigns, or where all people
are wonderful creatures.  As it happens, we happen to hold a particular
worldview that there *is* a techno-elite (yes, that's a trite and
overused term), and we are part of it.
              -- Thorfinn
In a country where it is considered a normal, sane and fun recreational
activity to strap two greased sticks to your feet and throw yourself down
the side of a friggin' mountain, nobody has the right to call *my* minor
peccidillos "unsafe".
              -- Nathan Mehl
My group's mission statement - 'You want *what* ? By *WHEN* ?'
              -- Simon Burr
An Emacs reference mug is what I want.  It would hold ten gallons of coffee.
              -- Steve VanDevender
I admit that X is the second worst windowing system in the world,
but all the others I've used are tied for first.
              -- Paul Tomblin
"Includes Adobe PageMaker.  Now you can create layouts that look like you
paid a professional!"  No, now you can create layouts that look like you
used a tool that a professional might have used, had you had the sense to
pay him.
              -- Christopher R. Maden
A little rudeness and disrespect can elevate a meaningless interaction
into a battle of wills and add drama to an otherwise dull day.
              -- Calvin discovers Usenet
The only sensible way to estimate the stability of a Windows server
is to power it down and try it out as a step ladder.
              -- Robert Crawford
People who love sausages, respect the law, and work with IT standards
shouldn't watch any of them being made.
              -- Peter Gutmann
First time I've gotten a programming job that required a drug test.
I was worried they were going to say 'you don't have enough LSD in
your system to do Unix programming'.
              -- Paul Tomblin
Simulated editor war, conducted by seasoned professionals in a controlled
environment.  Don't try this at home.
              -- Christian Bauernfeind
I must admit that Micro$oft does seem to bear an awful resemblence to the
Sirius Cybernetic Corporation.  Considering that my attempts at using Word
always resulted in something almost, but not quite, entirely unlike a
              -- Rich Kaszeta
Violence, rude language, excessive drinking, paganism.  It's hard to
find children's books like that these days.
              -- Stig Morten Valstad admires _Mr. Toad_
It's not 'I don't do Windows', it's 'I know nothing about Windows,
and it generally explodes when I get near it'.
              -- Matt McLeod
Graffiti has merely machine-gunned the surviving handwriting ability
clinging to the upturned lifeboats of the good ship 'Cursive'.
              -- Saundo, on Palm Pilots
Microsoft has decided to rename 'Windows 98' to 'Windows Diana',
because it is superficially attractive, impossible to live with,
consumes masses of resources, then it crashes.
              -- related by Zombie in #aix
The little pad of semi-sticky paper is the single largest security breach
in the entire computer industry, bar none.
              -- some guy named 'gram' in c.s.u
Life suddenly made much more sense, the day I fully grokked that people
are stupid.
              -- Frank Sweetser
The bottom line is that under 1 percent of this world has what it really
takes to make computers do the Right Thing.  No matter how used the shaved
apes are to buttons, dials and screens, they're still doing voodoo.
              -- The Cosmic Tomato
I tried staying in during a fire alarm some years ago.  Unfortunately the
fire warden wouldn't accept 'A real hacker goes down with his newsfeed'
as an excuse.
              -- Peter Gutman
We don't need a fountain of youth.  We need a fountain of smart.
              -- Bill Mattocks's .sig
My Win98 installation has been doing that for months..  German, English,
and Dutch, all intermingled.  What's so frightening about that?
              -- Jasper Janssen
You mean seeing 'Reboot Macht Frei' on your screen?
              -- Greg Andrews
I've gone through over-stressed to physical exhaustion -- what's next?
              -- Simon Burr
              -- Kyle Hearn
Microsoft: bringing the world to your desktop -- and your desktop to
the world.
              -- Peter Gutmann
Your paranoia is a powerful defense against my sarcasm.
              -- https://www.schlockmercenary.com/2005-05-25
What's that word, it means you feel small and red, starts with an M?
              -- Peter da Silva
              -- Simon Fraser
It seems that there are two different sorts of people: People who care
about the important stuff -- like if a job gets done, and if it gets done
well -- and clueless fucking morons who wouldn't know a job well done if
it bit them on the ass, and so think that 'professionalism' is a better
indicator of the quality of work.
              -- Dave Brown
The only way to convince some people that HTML is about content, not
style is with a 2x4 <PLANK>.
              -- Geoff Lane
MSDOS has to be one of the suckiest OSes ever.
              -- Gary Barnes
Umm... a small technical point.  Messy-Dross is _not_ a true operating
system.  It's a program loader with a hardon and delusions of grandeur.
              -- Valdis Kletnieks
Historical Landmark #9678023
Windows 95: Five years ago, corporate software giant, Microsoft, spent
millions of dollars, and put a team of hundreds of highly specialized
programmers on an extensive and highly ambitious project to find another
name for the Apple Menu.
              -- Avi Selk, in comp.unix.bsd.netbsd.misc
No, the best way to prepare is to write programs, and to study great
programs that other people have written.  In my case, I went to the garbage
cans at the Computer Science Center and I fished out listings of their
operating system.
              -- Bill Gates
As a computing professional, I believe it would be unethical for me to
advise, recommend, or support the use (save possibly for personal
amusement) of any product that is or depends on any Microsoft product.
              -- David H. Wolfskill
Can I LART an aol'r for attempting to subscribe to a majordomo list
with their street address, or should I wait for a second offence?
              -- Allan Stojanovic
You don't change the way people think by changing what they say.  You
change the way people think with HEADLESS CHARRED BODIES FLYING THROUGH
              -- Alastair J. R. Young
Actually, an oxymoron is more along the lines of a moron with an OH+
radical attached.  Since both morons and free radicals tend to bind
strongly to the first interesting thing that comes along, this is a
match made in heaven.
              -- The Internet Oracle
Conspiracies abound:  If everyone's against you, the reason can't
_possibly_ be that you're a fuckhead.
              -- The Usenet Guide to Power Posting
Home pages are the pet rock of the 90s.  They all have them, they all think
they're very cute.  But in a few years they're going to look back and be
pretty embarrassed.
              -- Kim Alm
Get with the program, jeffrey.  No one is 'wrong' on Usenet.  They are
either 100% totally correct, or they are 'a lying, scum sucking weasel.'
There is no in-between.
              -- Garrett Johnson
The thing that gets me is that one of the arguments that landed
Robert Morris, author of "the internet worm" in jail was all
the sysadmins' time his prank cost.  Yet the author of sendmail
is still walking around free without even a U (for Unixery)
branded on his forehead.
              -- Nicolas Pioch
NOW I've heard it all.  Problem: expensive application from large
well known company keeps crashing.  Vendor solution:
"Oh, someone at your site must be kill -9ing it accidentally.
Our recommendation is to rename the `kill` command."
              -- Matthew Crosby
10 ways to stop users mistaking you for a normal person (4):
When booting a workstation, shout out all console output 1/2 a second
before it appears.  Do this with your eyes closed and fists clenched.
              -- Steve Mitchell
You really know you're in trouble when your boss decides upon a suicide
pact... and agrees to go first.
              -- Chris King
I'm a Darwinian carnivore.  I only eat things that weren't fit enough
to prevent their being killed.
              -- Mike Sphar
I have /usr/sbin/coffee mounted from /dev/mug right now, and you can't
have it.  Oh no, I just tried to seek past end-of-beverage. *sigh*
              -- Graham Reed
But yeah, a semi-automatic, a room full of our managers, and I would
*not* be a scene conducive to my staying out of gaol.
              -- Matt McLeod
I would like to shake the hand of the man who first decided that e-mail
clients should slice, dice and run arbitrary programs.  Then I'd like to
stir, blend and puree his hand.
              -- J. D. Baldwin
But also remember, if it's fixed price, it's costly.  Because it always
takes longer than that.  And there's bits you didn't think of.  And they
take longer than that too.  And then you realize it going to take longer
again because you have to fully document and package and test and train
and fix and change and test and change and fix and update again.  And
then it takes longer than that.
              -- Netizen's Adam, on quoting
If you drink Real beer, you become horizontal... so, if you
drink Imaginary beer, you become vertical...
              -- Thorfinn
If netcat is compiled with -DGAPING_SECURITY_HOLE, the -e argument
specifies a program to exec after making or receiving a successful
              -- netcat README file
Real Programmers don't use Python.
              -- Skud
Real Programmers don't use *whitespace*.
              -- Thorfinn
Alright.  Talk.  Don't make me reach over there and pull your still-pumping
heart out from the gaping hole you used to call a chest whilst breaking
your sternum and playing air guitar with your ribcage.
              -- Tai
I trust the cut & paste under Win2k's telnet about as far as I can
comfortably spit a rat.
              -- John Burnham
You'll get access to my computer room right after you pry the Halon test key
out of my cold, lifeless hands.
              -- Simon Travaglia
"Zero Tolerance" in this case meaning "We're too stupid to be able to
apply conscious thought on a case-by-case basis".
              -- Mike Sphar
The phrase "Login to www.clue.org and issue the GET command" springs to mind.
              -- Tanuki
'Vegetarian' -- it's an old Indian word meaning 'lousy hunter'.
              -- Red Green
You're going to try and drink an *Australian* under the table?
Good fucking luck, mate.
              -- Paul Tomblin
When the revolution comes, we'll need a longer wall.
              -- Tom De Mulder
OTOH, the general theme is that lusers should not be allowed to have
computers, cars, guns or genitalia.
              -- Anthony DeBoer
The difference is that Unix has had thirty years of technical types
demanding basic functionality of it.  And the Macintosh has had fifteen
years of interface fascist users shaping its progress.  Windows has the
hairpin turns of the Microsoft marketing machine and that's all.
              -- Red Drag Diva
Reliability went through the floor, tunnelled its way to the centre of
the Earth, and perished in the magma.
              -- Saundo
I assume HR did send out the ad I wanted, not "apply for a cool job if
you're a clueless fuck".
              -- The Flying Hamster, on the receiving end of too many CVs
I haven't had any mail from my mother since her ISP ended up in the RBL.
I deny that I nominated them...
              -- Peter Corlett
Every year laws are passed to insure that these same adults survive
to raise another generation with the same characteristics of cluelessness.
              -- Paul Tomko
And if the boom-boxes and car stereos weren't so damnably loud, you'd be
able to hear the high-pitched hum: Darwin spinning at 20000 RPM on Timken
roller bearings in a chamber evacuated to 1E-27 Torr.
              -- Mike Andrews
The language that these files use is just like BASIC, only with all of
the good parts ripped out.  Oh, and did I mention that it's case-sensitive?
I could eat a K&R and *shit* a better language.
              -- Brian Gallew describes "Optio"
The PC movement is about trying not to offend people who are busily
manipulating you by being creatively thinkskinned.
              -- Joe Zeff
If Paul's really talking about truly average people, then they'd probably
die in either case, because common sense isn't.
              -- Derick Siddoway
Wonder what diamonds do to lusers though.
              -- Peter N. M. Hansteen
When attached to the teeth of a blade turning at 7000rpm, a darn fine job.
              -- D. Joseph Creighton
Those that could learn[1] did, and those that couldn't learn[2] were
sufficiently cowed to shut the fsck up and leave the rest of us alone.
[1] A surprisingly large fraction of the divisional workforce
[2] An appallingly large fraction of the divisional workforce
              -- Mike Andrews
I'm feeling much better now.  Really.  I'm just going to eat an orange
now.  I'll just take out my knife and gently, carefully, peel the skin
              -- Randy the Random
It's distinctly sub-optimal having a 70MPH pigeon explode all over
the inside of your vehicle.
              -- Tanuki
Their constitution is unwritten, and is mostly based on common law and practice.
In other words, they do something wrong and it then becomes the norm.
              -- Laurie Couturier, on the British legal system
Yes, those of us here have pretty much come to the conclusion that once
you know What's Really Going On and How To Cope With It, you find that
you don't like it much.
              -- Steve VanDevender
If this is UI for anyone, say hello to Satan for me next time he
pops into your office for a status report.
              -- Chris King
The problem with eating a high-fibre diet is that, before you know it, your
lower bowel will have attracted a whole mass of backhoes.
              -- Tanuki
You mean [Exchange] was deliberately written?  I thought someone had
transcribed the writing on a football-stadium restroom wall, found
that it compiled, so shipped it.
              -- Tanuki
I'm just waiting for the day that someone decides that "ignorant moron" is
an ethnic group, and thus cannot be discriminated against.
              -- Christian Wagner
In an experiment to determine the precise amount of beer required to enjoy
this film, I passed out.
              -- Dave O'Brien, on "Highlander II"
The only complaint I have against WinDoze is that it doesn't always
fail at install time.
              -- Mike Andrews
I should never have learnt C.  There's a limit to how dangerous you can get with Perl.
              -- Simon Cozens
But it's quite a *high* limit.
              -- Adrian Hilton
As we know to our cost.
              -- SPARK Ada development team
I can see the headlines now: Cargo Plane/Truck Carrying Entire Usenet Archive
Crashes in Freak Storm/Freak Traffic Accident
              -- Bruce Tomlin
Near the crash site, a discarded rocket launcher was found, with a note
attached: "X-No-Archive: YES, FUCKING YES YES YES".
              -- Juergen Nieveler
Knuth has written a book called "The errors of TeX".  I doubt Microsoft has
the money to buy the paper required to print a book called "The errors of Word".
              -- Abigail
It typically takes 25-30 gallons of petrol/diesel to fully-consume an
average-sized body under ideal conditions.  That I am conversant with this
level of detail should serve as an indication of why the wise man does not
ask me questions about MS-Windows.
              -- Tanuki
As you accelerate your food, it takes exponentially more and more energy to
increase its velocity, until you hit a limit at C.  This energy has to come
from somewhere; in this case, from the food's nutritional value.  Thus, the
faster the food is, the worse it gets.
              -- Mark Hughes, comprehending the taste of fast food
Deciding to precipitate the disaster, I have donned my copper armour,
filled a fire bucket, and wired myself to all the important swervers.
              -- Iain Rae
              -- Peter da Silva does not like how Windows shipped
I liken system administration to remotely piloting an airplane - while
barely balancing oneself on a rollercoaster running at full speed -
blindfolded - by means of a hacked up half-broken TV remote.
              -- and people really want a job as a BOFH?
It occurred to me today to wonder why so many Manglers seem to think
that the proper way to get you to respect their authority is to do
things to you that cause you to lose all respect for them as a person?
[and if that ever happens to me, kill me right there and then - AJH]
That bone-crunching thud you just heard was my opinion of humanity
plummeting from its comfortable resting-place in the basement, breaking
through the floor, and ending up wedged somewhere in the vicinity of
the Mohorovicic discontinuity.
The FAA found out that one gigantic replacement of everything would
lead to world's worst case of "Second System Effect".
              -- Paul Tomblin
I'm worried that air traffic control is in danger of switching to
Windows 2000.  I think I'll walk.
              -- Paul Tomblin
C has features??  I thought the whole point of that language was to
offer nothing but bare metal.
              -- David P. Murphy
The magic BOFH-phrase you need to summon at this point is:
"_Your_ lack of planning is not about to become _my_ emergency."
              -- Tanuki
Actually, HTML is very useful.  As a flag to say "you don't need to
read this email."
              -- Paul Tomblin
Ahhh, the permie offer.  The "Please sign up with us clueless fsckwits
so you can spend all your time digging us out at a pittance" offer.
              -- Dan Holdsworth
I wouldn't be surprised if I'd have to put garlic in the CD drawer
to really get rid of it.
              -- Arthur van der Harg on 'Gator'
Yeah, because you never know when the value of 2^15 will change and
you have to go through all your code fixing it.
              -- Paul Tomblin
You're nicer than I.  I was thinking "Mark, would you recognize a clue
if one were gnawing on the end of your dick?"
              -- random
I did volunteer EMS as recovery from sysadmining, then
I did sysadmining to recover from volunteer EMS.
              -- random
Why is there only one Monopolies and Mergers Commission?
              -- JNP
"Look, PHB, if you go for *NIX, you'll have to hire a *NIX admin, and
they charge a bomb and dress like refugees.  But with NT you just need
someone with an MCSE."
              -- Omri Schwarz understands why the world is screwed
Of course the staff can tell their heads from their arses.  Their heads
are the bits that are stuck up their arses.  Ergo their arses must be
the bits that have heads stuck up them.
              -- Matthew Malthouse
Could you stop changing your email address willy-nilly, so my killfile
can spare me from your erudition and wit?
              -- Alan Shutko
Make backups before you try something new or interesting or experimental
or radical or if the day has a "y" in it.
              -- Chris Hacking
Today Has Been Two Of Those Days.
              -- Mike Andrews
What a beautiful image - Gartner wonks piled high on a burning bush,
screaming that "maybe IIS isn't so good after all" and "our statistics
show a sudden increase in temperature."
              -- Chris Rovers
"My brother-in-law, the bar owner."
              -- Beautiful Phrases #1
Alt.sysadmin.recovery: You will not soon find a more wretched hive of
ranting and pedantry.  We aim to please, so duck.
              -- ADB
When I hear the history of some of the more ugly European cities, with
"... destroyed in 14xx, burnt in 16xx ..." I get the urge to ask why
they keep rebuilding it and if they can't get the hint.
              -- Lieven Marchand
The thing I've noticed, particularly about Usenet, that while as a
welcome break from work it is refreshing and interesting, when you've
got bugger all else to do it kinda loses its appeal.
              -- C Speed
Welsh sheep aren't intellectuals.  Welsh woodlice look down on them as
utter lusers.  Welsh sheep even make students look smart, they're that daft.
              -- Dan Holdsworth
> (One of the things I can't quite get used to in 'merryka
> is that they have bathrooms or restrooms, but no toilets.)
The thing is, North Americans are dirty and tired, but don't give a shit.
              -- flaps
Like the man said: "Nothing good ever goes in /opt."
              -- Tim Foreman
Lusers annoy you; Backups are crap;
Morons employ you; And samba won't map;
Printers need cable; Installs restart;
Servers aren't stable; You might as well LART.
              -- David P. Murphy, parodying Dorothy Parker's _Resume_
Violence is the last resort of the incompetent.
The competent, of course, make it their *first* resort.
If you are "fighting" vi (ie telling it stupid things) it should not try
and give helpful hints, it should munge your cursor, screw up your
terminal, rot13 your mailbox and call your girlfriend for a date.
              -- Pi
I decided my disk was getting too full and nobody seemed to be referencing
this huge file called /vmunix...
              -- Paul Tomblin
I forsee one of those "open your wallet and repeat after me,
_help yourself_" moments in your local friendly workshop.
              -- Tanuki
What philology luser tried to hang "fear of sameness" on bigotry?
Every time i see the word i want to kick his shins.
              -- Pat Wade, on homophobia
I just overheard someone referring to Solaris 2.6 as a "virgin operating system".
With a straight face, no less.  In one sense, I can see it.  The one whereby
it knows what it wants to do, it's just not entirely sure how...
              -- Carl Jacobs
You can drag any rat out of the sewer and teach it to get some work done in
Perl, but you cannot teach it serious programming.
              -- Erik Naggum
C is *supposed* to be dangerous, damnit!
              -- Anonymous, on "Safer C"
It could have been raining flaming bulldozers, and those idiots would have
been standing out there smoking, going 'hey, look at that John Deere burn!'
              -- Texan AMD security guard
Why don't companies make second-person shooter games?  I mean, we
have first-person, and third-person.  Why not second-person?
              -- Joe Moore
Some of you may have had occasion to run into mathematicians and to
wonder, therefore, how they got that way.
              -- Tom Lehrer, "Tom Lehrer In Concert"
Of course, the old servers was 50 Megs short of filling up its disk,
and $exchange-Admins know what that means...
              -- Jurgen Nieveler
That they shouldn't have been running Exchange in the first place?
              -- David P. Murphy
My family's values included "Always state your assumptions and your
evidence", "first find out what the problem is, then fix it", and "feed
your horse before yourself".  But you don't see people legislating those...
              -- Zebee Johnstone
How many of us have had people look at our music collection,
and shake their heads in confusion?
              -- Eric the Read
s/shake their heads in confusion/blanch and back away slowly/
              -- Joe B
I think I have a new personal rule: Never watch anything which includes
the author's name in the title, particularly if the author is dead.
              -- Andrew Dalgleish
Unix is great.  The Unix culture is magnificent.  Life in a Unix without
the GNU utilities is the kind of hell I'd not wish on my worst enemy.
              -- Robert Uhl
Is it so difficult to master your bloody pride and admit that yes, a bunch
of hackers turned out a better suite of utilities than your teams of
engineers ever could?
              -- Robert Uhl
The Code Red virus hasn't caused the widespread chaos earlier predicted.
Mainly due to the use of a security product known as 'Patch'.
              -- Radio report, 28/11/01
Don't you just hate them?  Don't you just wanna break their ribs,
cut their backs open and pull their lungs out from behind?
              -- Ina Faye-Lund, on script kiddies
Oh, NT is reliable.  You can count on it to keel over under just any
              -- Rik Steenwinkel
"I'm sorry, your missile just caused a General Protection error.
Your General is no longer protected."
              -- Nicholas Avenell, on Windows for Weapons
Please say this was followed by a very serious discussion on Right and
Wrong involving a blow torch, 220V, a cobra and three East Germans
named Georg...
              -- Robert Uhl
In fact, it's surprising that any sort of hardware works.  When it works, it
is just biding its time waiting for a more inconvenient time for it to fail.
              -- Joe Moore
In college, I wrote a TECO-like progamming language as a joke - one-letter
statements, totally unreadable.  Then I discovered sendmail, and stopped,
because the joke had been done so much better than I ever could.
              -- Mark Hughes
I treat shops as military objectives to be penetrated and stripped of needed
resources in as little time as possible.  She has adventures in them.
              -- Joe Thompson
...I've discovered the one thing worse than people who open attachments
from people they don't know.  People who delete files when instructed
by people they don't know.
              -- Michael
[Once in a lifetime opportunity] is simply a veiled reference to the
staff contract termination procedure, which involves a sunny wall,
a single cigarette and some middling to average marksmen...
              -- Dan Holdsworth
As for taste buds, bear in mind that the country which gave the world
Irn Bru also developed the Deep Fried Mars Bar.  Marmite is the height
of sophistication in comparison.
              -- Malcolm Ray
With M$, as far as I'm aware, the stupidity comes bundled with
the software.
              -- Meg Thornton
...the default behaviour should be *not* to fuck up.
              -- adb
Microsoft's _intention_ is to have the OS drop its pants, bend over,
and ask the whole bloody net to remotely install any bits at all . . .
and then they're surprised it turns out to be a serious security flaw?
              -- David P. Murphy, on Windows XP
I'd sooner volunteer to admin every Windows box at $ORKPLACE
(and it's a biiiig place) than think for one second that I could
understand the thought process of a teenage female.
              -- David P. Murphy
It is necessary to get JPEGs of one's offspring, if only so that you can
call them up on your screen at work and remember what they look like
during late-night sysadminning when you should be home with them.
              -- adb
Sept 25th:  Discovered lots of things about Dynamic HTML.
            Notably that almost every site attempting to use it is crap.
              -- Alan Cox's diary
Indeed, if we (as a society) took a bit more of a 'tough love' approach to
things, really allowed people to suffer from their own bad choices, and
made it damn clear that one can't just assume something is safe because
"they couldn't sell it if it wasn't!", we might start seeing 'thinking'
coming back into vogue.
              -- lizard
Do you have a point, or are you saving it for a special occasion?
              -- David P. Murphy
Here in the US, we are so schizoid and deeply opposed to government
censorship that we insist on having unaccountable private parties
to do it instead.
              -- Bill Cole
Nazis are part of *every* government, everywhere, in all of human
history.  They're just not always called that.
              -- J. D. Baldwin
If you don't pay for criminally bad software through the nose, you will
never realize how much you are being ripped off!
              -- Pim van Riezen
Imagine a world where millions of companies were given the choice between
actually paying for the odd ten thousand dollars' worth of bug-infested
agonizing doofusware or going for a quality free software solution that
isn't being pushed on them like bad cocaine!
              -- Pim van Riezen
The First Amendment protects all speech, no matter how offensive some
people may find it.  The site http://www.bonsaikitten.com/ is clearly a
humorous endeavor.  The fact that a number of people seem to have very
little sense of humor isn't relevant.
              -- Jered Floyd
I think Java is the best language going today, which is to say, it's the
marginally acceptable one among the set of complete bagbiting loser
languages that we have to work with out here in the real world.
              -- Jamie Zawinski
Whenever someone says something exceedingly stupid, I feel it my duty
to educate them.  Plus, everyone else leaves and the meeting becomes
de facto over.
              -- Rob Russell understands meetings
...would you work for a company that couldn't tell the difference in
quality of its employees' normal work product and the work product of
someone on drugs without performing a test?
              -- socks
I think I've finally worked out why the Irish drink Guinness.  It's
to lubricate their throat so they can speak their own language.
              -- David P.
Life is like a puzzle: amid these oddly shaped pieces there are two that fit
each other.  They don't fit because they're perfect, they just fit because
they're perfect for each other.  Apart, they are two pieces without
definition; together they complement each other and take on meaning.
              -- T. D. Jakes
Contracting is a good, even honourable, way to earn a living, as long as
one hides the secret that it's possible to pave one's patio with
gold bars.
              -- Dave, ex-BA
Welcome to Global Warming, everyone.  It appears to be globally
warmer, and if that isn't Global Warming, then What The Fsck Is?
              -- Mike Andrews
Some days violence is just a nice quick solution to a problem that
would need thought, planning and actual work to do justice to.
              -- Wayne Pascoe
As a survival strategy, you've got to admit that being-liked-by-man ain't
too shabby.  Works for dogs, cats, oxen, apples etc.  Never worked too well
for wolves, bears, woolly mammoths etc.  Results are not yet in regarding
kudzu and head-lice.
              -- Robert Uhl
So I got to play distributed systems Jenga: take an undocumented pile
of interdependent machines, and remove as many machines as possible
without making the whole thing come crashing down.
              -- Logan
Stubborness will get you where self-esteem won't let you go.
              -- Queen of Swords
Hi, I'm Marc Andreesen, and after a hard day working on our piss-poor
browser, I need to relax with a piss-poor beer!
              -- Malcolm Ray, on Marc's Miller Lite beer ads
I've never understood why women douse themselves with things that
are alleged to smell of roses/tulips/freesias.  What exactly are they
trying to attract?  Bees?
              -- Tanuki
I'm not going to be a place that allows viruses to go unpunished.
Anything virus-ridden gets cleaned, anything that can't gets deleted.
Period.  Fuck anyone who doesn't take heed.  This is my network.
              -- ben@lspace.org
I saw part of a telecast of some Wagner opera or other on TV one time.
It took two characters the best part of an hour to say "Oh! Hello!"
to each other.  At that point I turned it off, even though I was in
grave danger of missing the first five or six minutes of "How're you doing?"
              -- Dave Brown
I blame the teachers, and I blame the politicians for picking the teachers,
and I blame the parents for voting them in, and top of the list I put the
bastard who invented the caps-lock key.
              -- Chris Hacking
Yes, Java is so bulletproofed that to a C programmer it feels like being in
a straitjacket, but it's a really comfy and warm straitjacket, and the world
would be a safer place if everyone was straitjacketed most of the time.
              -- Mark Hughes
After 30 years, it should be pretty bloody obvious to everyone (but
apparently the memo has missed a few people) that all but the very best
C programmers are nothing but a danger to themselves and others.
              -- Mark Hughes
People advocating C as the generic language of choice make the same big
mistake that I think people may be making when advocating unrestricted gun
ownership, legalized harddrugs, an end to speedlimits in traffic and a
computer on every desktop...
              -- Pim van Riezen
I read [.doc files] with "rm".  All you lose is the microsoft-specific
font selections, the macro viruses and the luser babblings.
              -- Gary "Wolf" Barnes
Usenet is a co-operative venture, backed by nasty people -
follow the standards.
              -- Chris Rovers
The people here have other bones to pick -- possibly including yours.
              -- Mike Andrews
So I was reading Twelfth Night ... and would you believe that the I LOVE
YOU hoax is the exact same trick Shakespeare uses to point out what an
arrogant, self-absorbed fool Malvolio is?
              -- Julia McKinnell
"Integration by parts -- a very powerful technique."
Teaching by intimidation -- also a very powerful technique.
              -- Logan Shaw, quoting Chuck Odle, his Calculus teacher
> Which ISPs provide write-only Usenet access?
From the state of Usenet in general?  All of them.
              -- J. D. Baldwin and Derick Siddoway
And it should be the law: If you use the word 'paradigm' without knowing
what the dictionary says it means, you go to jail.  No exceptions.
              -- David Jones
The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers.
              -- Dick the Butcher, Henry VI, Part 2, act IV, scene 2, line 75
"MERCY!?  You stuck me right through my throbbin' /eye/!"
"The grace of God knows no bounds, but _my_ mercy has some practical limitations."
              -- https://www.schlockmercenary.com/2004-12-05
No wonder women and cats get along so well.  They understand each other,
being so similar in requirements.
              -- Jay Maynard
Now I'm no expert in women, but I'd not convinced that all you need to please
a woman is to feed her stinky meat and clean out the dirt tray as appropriate.
              -- Peter Corlett
FOR YOU I SAY! READ THE FUCKING MANUAL! How do you think I found out how
              -- Beable van Polasm
The only problem is that if we found the Holy Grail, we'd have to support it
and explain to the lusers which way to tip it so that they don't get the
elixer of life down the front of their tasteless shirts.
              -- Wayne Pascoe
After all, why in the world would any employer want happier, better educated
employees who are more in touch with current technical developments in their
field of work?   That would interfere with too many existing arrangements.
              -- Curt
Died.  Woke up in Hell.  Punched in PIN, logged on.  Just another day.
              -- David Gerard
Bill Gates is a true genius.  He's made installing and maintaining windows
apps so ridiculously difficult and expensive that businesses and consumers
will actually buy into the idea of having their applications on someone
else's server.
              -- Ukab the Great
My kettle just sits there steaming, and won't tell me anything.
Much like my first wife.
              -- Paul Tomblin
Exploit is announced.
Server runs an old version.
A root compromise.
              -- Alan J Rosenthal
It's a house of cards, supported not on the backs of turtles but on bullshit.
Making the bullshit gooier makes the house of cards less likely to collapse,
but is not necessarily an improvement.
              -- Alan J Rosenthal
Sign on door of computing lecturer: "If your project is 90% right,
I will give you a distinction, your employer will fire you."
              -- Zebee Johnstone
"Think?" I asked.  "I don't think.  I'm a witness.  Someone asks me
a question, and I answer it as honestly as I can.  How could I be on
anyone's *side*?"
              -- David P. Murphy, on his participation in a lawsuit
I've long believed that a large amount of our current technology
was invented by SF writers, and remained fiction until some geek
read it and thought "I know how to build that".
              -- Andrew Dalgleish
Science is like sex: sometimes something useful comes out, but that's
not why we're doing it.
              -- Richard Feynman
If you refer to a woman as any form of waterborne African mammal
then a quick death is absolutely the *best* thing that could
happen to you next.
              -- Adi
AFAICT, most national capitals have already reached bogon criticality,
passed it, seen it in the rear view mirror and now look back on the moment
as a fond, if distant, memory.
              -- Robert Uhl
As convenient as it is for information to come to us, libraries do have a
valuable side effect: they force all of the smart people to come together
in one place where they can interact with one another.
              -- Neal Stephenson
Medication did wonders for me, Dave.  Perhaps it could for you,
if a crowbar and half a pound of axle grease count as medication.
              -- Red Drag Diva
Boss: There wasn't anything there, so I removed it.
Me:   Wasn't any _what_ _where_, and if there wasn't anything,
      what did you remove?
              -- JDW
One could teach a child to Google but one _still_ should make them think.
              -- Maarten Wiltink
[Hunt for Red October] also passed the "Is this believable" test.
Such as, software that classes unknown sounds as sea animals mating ...
              -- rwp
My standard response to statements like "We _must_ implement multi-processor
object-oriented Java-based client-server technologies immediately!" was
"You know, FORTRAN and slide rules put men on the moon and got them back
safely multiple times."
              -- Matt Roberds
May all their sendmail.cf files be edited in notepad and returned,
only to be read at the next reboot.
              -- Tom O'Neil
Mentally update my CV, paying special attention to the bits
about how to say "Was Fired For Being A Prat" in a positive light.
              -- Eric the Read's bad day
The average banker could benefit tremendously from a good kick to
the head at precisely-timed intervals.
              -- Dan Holdsworth
You cannot run Windows innocently.  Guilt of aiding & abetting, at the
very least, is automatic.  Loading up on anti-virus and firewall software,
even decent ones, are merely well-meaning actions to be taken into
consideration by judge and jury when deciding your sentence.
              -- David P. Murphy
As it should be - snipe at *.mil and expect to drop any plans for
the rest of that day.
              -- Alex
> Best job interview question I've heard: "So, do you have
> 15 years of experience with Java?"
"No, it just seems like 15 years...."
              -- Geoff Lane
Documentation: Cryptic, lacking, erroneous.  Pick any three.
              -- Arvid
Three of your friends throw up after eating chicken salad.  Do you think
"I should find more robust friends" or "we should check that refrigerator"?
              -- Donald Becker, on vortex-bug, suspecting a network-wide problem
Well, that's why VAXC and VAXCRTL were worse:  they *ran*, which fooled the
stupid people (such as myself) into thinking there was something beneficial
about to happen, if you would just put enough time and blood into it.  With
Whitesmiths you could confidently toss it out the window almost immediately.
              -- David P. Murphy
Can't get out of 'vi'?  Common problem.  Don't worry, I'm here to help.
Just log in as root and type "init 0".  It works for pretty much any
problem you might have with Linux.  No, no, no.  Thank /you/.
              -- Mikey Raeder
"Harry very carefully read the manual - four times - because Snape would
cut off his breathing privs if he asked him a question that the manual
could answer..."
              -- Jim quotes Harry Potter and the Book Of The BOFH
Here at WeSellCellPhones, I was pleased to hear that they believe in
"work-life balance."  What it turned out this actually means is that
your work is your life, and is by definition balanced...
              -- JDF
I realized recently that my personal happiness and sanity are worth far
more than anything an employer can pay me, and that nothing is worth that
twisting feeling you get in your gut every morning as you drag yourself
out of bed and to a job you can't stand.
              -- MC Langston
If I have to deal with another salesweasel, I shall scream, if only to
cover the sound caused by me ripping his head from his body to use the
carcass as a footstool.
              -- MC Langston
Today is a good day.  Not because anything wonderful is happening,
so much, but because my definition of a 'bad day' has been revised.
              -- Chris Klein
It took people a long time to figure out which machine was doing it,
and even longer to figure out how.  But for some reason it didn't take
them any time at all to figure that I'd done it.
              -- Paul Tomblin
Doctrine, n.
A third-rate substitute for thinking, much beloved of politicians and
other such morons, since thinking comes so hard to these.
              -- Dan Holdsworth
The implication of the camel on the front of the Perl book is, I think,
quite clear: Perl programmers permanently have the hump and are
predisposed towards spitting.
              -- Jonathan Page
Knuth is definitely the bastard something from hell.  I just admire him
from a distance, it's safer.
              -- Peter da Silva
If killing them all to a man is not an option then you are better off to
simply leave them to slowly self destruct under their own incompetance.
              -- Dag
"Colin decided then and there that the female mind was a strange and
incomprehensible organ -- one which no man should even attempt to
understand.  There wasn't a woman alive who could go from point A to B
without stopping at C, D, X and 12 along the way."
              -- Julia Quinn
a) log a message at user.emerg of the form "DANGER!  MORON ON /dev/pts/1"
              -- Jeremiah Weiner
O Canada, we stand ready to sit down and discuss our problems
in a civilized fashion for thee.
              -- wednesday
Remember, you're dealing with developers.  If they knew what they were
doing, they wouldn't be doing it.
              -- Mike A
As a married man, 'sex' is defined as sexual activity with SWMBO, period.
Anything that does not fit within those bounds is filed under either
stupidity or suicide and possibly both...
              -- K. Josey
It's the _target_ that supposed to go "F00F", not the processor.
              -- Mike Andrews, on Pentiums in missiles
There is alleged to be an airport whose designator is ARP but I've
never got any response to my attempts to locate it.
              -- Tanuki
Legacy (adj):
an uncomplimentary computer-industry epithet that means 'it works'.
              -- Anthony DeBoer
Kyoto dealt with Global Warming.  Disposing of lawyers cuts down the
production of Hot Air, and thus is encouraged by the Kyoto Accords.
              -- Keith Glass
The biggest problem with democracy is that it is, in effect, the rule
by the whim of the moment.
              -- Keith Glass
There are many types of bigotry, some of them completely OK and
acceptable.  This is the acceptable type called "postjudice".
              -- Mike Andrews
You know the saying, every time you develop an idiot proof system they
develop a better type of idiot... and now you know who "they" are.
              -- Matthew Malthouse
Sometimes, when a luser makes an unreasonable demand, the best thing
to do is let them have exactly what they ask for.
              -- Joe Zeff
If Alan Turing was alive today, the homosexuality would be OK
but he'd be in trouble for codebreaking.
              -- Martin Bacon
Ayn Rand's writings never make perfect sense.  She never realized that
people will choose short-term profits which require long-term payments.
              -- David P. Murphy
I mean, if I went 'round saying I was a perl hacker, just because some
moistened bint lobbed a "Perl for Dummies" at me, they'd put me away!
              -- Randy the Random
It isn't the volts that kill, it's the missing brain waves.
              -- seen by Matt Roberds on a circuit board
If anyone tells me to work smarter, not harder, I will kick him or her,
hard, in a random body part.  I will then kick him or her a second time,
"smarter, not harder," which is to say that on the second strike,
I'll use the same force, but target more carefully.
              -- Catherine
"The surreality of the universe tends towards a maximum"  -- Skud's Law
"Never formulate a law or axiom that you're not prepared to live with
the consequences of."  -- Skud's Meta-Law
Fortunately, he was promoted far enough up the management ladder that he
no longer has any real responsibility and is kept far away from sharp or
dangerous objects - such as cc, gcc, vi and emacs.
              -- Curt Fennell
If you had the chance of making the amount of pain your lusers had to
suffer dependent on the number of windows on their screens, you would
seize the opportunity, wouldn't you?
              --  Abigail
I use shell scripts at ork.  Some cow-orkers refuse to touch them, their
excuse is usually "I don't understand perl".  Their fear of perl is such
that all things unknown are also perl.
              -- Andrew Dalgleish
Camels and llamas and hashes and scalars
Cute little modules talking to mailers
Regexes munging my humungous strings
These are a few of my favourite things.
              -- Malcolm Ray, making Perl sing
You can be jailed for lying about being good in bed.
              -- Lionel, paraphrasing the Criminal Code of Canada, 159(3)(b)(i)
Information moves, or we move to it.  Moving to it has rarely been
popular and is growing unfashionable; nowadays we demand that the
information come to us.
              -- Neal Stephenson
404 is hexadecimal for "fuck off".
              -- Alan Rosenthal
The strength of the antispammer movement is that there is no organization.
Nobody can make deals, nobody has the authority to surrender.  All people
with pretensions of "leadership" do is make it look like a small bunch
of people with no life.  It's a *big* bunch of people with no life.
              -- Paul Vader
I have a longstanding agreement with tequila:
I won't drink it, and it won't make me sick.
              -- Brian Kantor
> When Lusers are concerned, when is there EVER sufficient support ?
Easy: a few tons of concrete, poured right up to the nose off the
luser should give any luser enough support.
              -- Alex
And the Prime Directive would be a valid excuse to do absolutely nothing
all day.  "I can't fix $LUSER's problem, because to do so would interfere
with their development/evolution.  Sorry."
              -- James Turinsky
I know it's a buzzword [...], but fsckit, 'Enterprise' editions of
things *should* come with the phasers and photon torpedos and all.
Of course, the first vendor freebie you'd get would be a red shirt...
              -- Anthony de Boer
Software planning seems to be based on denying plausibility.
              -- Graham Reed
I got accused of being humorless last night.  I'm considering quoting
Lieutenant Commander Data: "Perhaps the joke was not funny."
              -- Alan Rosenthal
They thought that faxing one's butt was bad - just wait till they hear
about blurry, pixilated, mpeg artifacted live porn by phone!
              -- Geoff Lane contemplates the 3G future
I call these twits pseudo-literate.  That is, they can read but won't.
              -- Joe Zeff
It's Mickeysoft for pity's sake.  *OF COURSE* it's going take all the ram
in range.  I'm surprised the fsking box doesn't grow tentacles and start
stealing DIMMs from the machines next to it.
              -- JoeB
Heaven has all the lusers, a generous supply of larts -
and no PHBs anywhere in sight.
              -- The BOFH Heaven, according to Suresh
With so many "textbook cases" of single points of failure, you'd think
that we'd stop building systems to demonstrate the concept.
              -- Matt Curtin
There is, of course, no "we" - merely an anarchistic co-operative
movement of professional dysfunctionals led by a shadowy gang of stealth
agitprop-agents who send their orders steganographically encoded into RFC
documents or subliminally transmitted in the hum of 10^6 CPU cooling-fans.
              -- Tanuki
...if you squeeze a MS product into a small enough memory footprint
there may not be sufficient space for it to fall over, thus giving the
impression it's reliable.
              -- Geoff Lane
Remember, "close" counts in horse-shoes, hand-grenades and nuclear warfare;
but in spamming, it's considered unnecessary precision.
              -- Alun Jones
Kids today.  Why, you tell 'em about ten users in 128 kilobytes, ten meg hard drives
the size of a Maytag, they believe you.  Tell them about booting a single-user
operating system in 16 megabytes, they think you're pulling their leg.
              -- Peter da Silva
I started to read this, then realized it was anti-recovery and quit.
"Great hockey game last night!  Did you watch any of it, Murphy?"
"No, I was studying a brochure of personal fees for an Australian bank."
              -- David P. Murphy
This, my simpering little friend, is the fabled
    'Broadsword of Duodenic Clue Insertion.'
Forged by the System Administrators of Hell, and quenched in the blood
of a thousand AOLers.  But you, my precious luser, can call it "Momma."
              -- Ciro the Spider-Man
Last I checked, it wasn't the power cord for the Clue Generator
that was sticking up your ass.
              -- John Novak
One distinguishing characteristic of BOFHen is attention deficit disorder.
Put me in front of something boring and I can find a near-infinite number
of really creative ways to bugger off.
              -- ADB
If I have pinged farther than others, it is because I routed upon
the T3s of giants.
              -- Greg Andrews
But seriously, I've got root, so it's his problem.
              -- Nick Manka
25 grams of wafers and 20 ml of wine undergo transubstantiation and
become the flesh and blood of our Lord.  How many Joules of heat are
released by the transformation?
              -- Theological Physics exam, 1997
Of course I still retain claim to "I can't believe it's not Jesus!"
low-fat communion wafers, and "Christ-lite" alcohol-free communion wine.
              -- Tanuki the Raccoon-dog
I'm having a great deal of trouble compressing that down to four lines.
I tried removing all the unnecessary parts, but nothing happened, so I'll
try creating a number of meaningful four-line .sigs --- wish me luck.
              -- David P. Murphy, on a "bits are cheaper than time" rant
"I know what you are thinking, punk! You're wondering if I hired six lawyers...
or only five.  Now, seeing as this is a U.S. Circuit Appellate Court --- the
world's most powerful deterrent to justice --- the question you have to ask
yourself is... 'Do I feel litigious?'  Well do you, punk?  Do you feel litigious?"
              -- Kevin Goebel channels Clint Eastwood
Everywhere I go I'm asked if I think the university stifles writers.
My opinion is that they don't stifle enough of them.  There's many a
bestseller that could have been prevented by a good teacher.
              -- Flannery O'Connor
Now there's a thought: government of the people, by the politicians,
for the rich.  Oh, wait; we already have that, don't we?
              -- Joe Zeff
32yo PFY in Annandale, likes broken shit and problems no one else will touch,
hates end-users, time-clocks, and dress codes, seeks BOFH for clues and
at least $45K.  Send picture of broken shit pile.
              -- Gary S. Callison
> I didn't see any stipulation that your pager actually had to be turned on.
PHB. I can page admins from their resty sleep.
Bas. Why, so can I, or so can any man;
     But will they come when you do page for them?
              -- J. D. Baldwin updates THE FIRST PART OF KING HENRY THE FOURTH,
                 Act III, Scene 1
There's this special biologist word we use for "stable".  It's "dead".
              -- Dr. Jack Cohen (1933-2019)
> As a rough estimate, it approaches that of M$-BOB.
I am pretty sure "BOB" is a suckage-singularity . . .
it's not really possible to "approach" it.
              -- J. D. Baldwin
Like most computer techie people, I'll happily spend 6 hours trying
to figure out how to do a 3 hour job in 10 minutes.
              -- Rev. James Cort, ASR
I swear to god, if people treated their cars the way they treat their computers,
half the cars on the road would be covered in bumper stickers advertising porno,
and their trunks would be filled with rotting garbage.
              -- Christian Wagner
You want secure hosting?  www.thebunker.net.  They won't let *you* anywhere
near the hardware you're renting from them.  They won't even show you
*pictures* of it.  It could be supercharged hamsters all the way down,
and you'd never know.
              -- Robert Sneddon
[the average computer user] has been served so poorly that he expects
his system to crash all the time, and we witness a massive worldwide
distribution of bug-ridden software for which we should be deeply ashamed.
              -- Edsger Dijkstra
We had 12.9 gigabytes of PowerPoint slides on our network.  And I thought,
what a huge waste of corporate productivity.  So we banned it.  And we've
had three unbelievable record-breaking fiscal quarters since we banned
PowerPoint.  Now, I would argue that every company in the world, if it
would just ban PowerPoint, would see their earnings skyrocket.  Employees
would stand around going, "What do I do? Guess I've got to go to work."
              -- Scott McNealy, CEO of Sun Microsystems
            [SJM, 03Aug97. Keith Bostic bostic@bostic.com, QOTD]
Or, to put it another way, if you see a long line of rats
streaming off of a ship, the correct assumption is *not*
"gosh, I bet that's a real nice boat now that those rats are gone".
              -- Mike Sphar
[how to overload an annoying server]
*** self-destruct mode ***
Post it on Fark.com as an accident at a nude volleyball beach link
and use the "Boobies - Not Safe For Work" icon.
*** /self-destruct mode ***
              -- kevingoebel
In my own thesis, I quoted (was forced to quote, in fact) a man who,
at the time I submitted had just been kicked out of the US dept of
Agriculture for scientific fraud, and was counter-suing them, and a
lady who had a test for a sex pheromone for which a false positive
could be generated by poisoning the test animals.
              -- Dan Holdsworth
Just keep taking point, pit-boy.
              -- Brian to Dave, KODT
Someone might raise the objection that it is "circular" to appeal to the Bible
for its own authentication and vindication, meaning that to appeal to Scripture
in support of Scripture is to argue in a circle.  Any court will recognize that
a man has a right to testify in his own behalf.  Now we know that it is possible
for every man to lie, or to deceive, or to be prejudiced.  But because the Bible
is the Word of God, and God, because of Who He is, cannot lie (Titus 1:2),
most certainly the Bible's witness to its inspiration ought, therefore, to be
accepted as trustworthy.
              -- Lehman Strauss, Litt.D., F.R.G.S., utterly unable to recognize
                 "circular logic", at http://www.bible.org/docs/theology/biblio/trust.htm
Of course, I also got weird looks when I said that, as a kid,
I watched the toast brown in a toaster to see whether it browned
at a linear or exponential rate.
              -- Jeff Davis
They should be firewalled off from the rest of society.  With real fire.
              -- Paul Tomblin describes how to treat virus creators
If it had been a choice, I would want some 60% of my pension going into
managed funds mostly dealing in alcohol/tobacco/firearms/porn stock.
I am a firm believer in the baser instincts of humans as my guide to
future prosperity.  Alas, finding a managed fund with that as its primary
leaning is rather noneasy in these days of "Ethical investment" and
"Ethical funds".  Where are my *non*-ethical funds???
              -- Ingvar the Grey
IMAP is just not a very rich protocol.
              -- Steve Conn, Exchange Server product manager for Microsoft
Will debug C homework for lap dances.
              -- Mike Looney
D: is just a data disk.  That's why it's called "D", for "DATA".
C: is the Windows OS disk, so it's called "C", for "CRAP".
              -- David P. Murphy
A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
A: Top-posting.
Q: What is the most annoying thing on usenet?
              -- Daniel Jensen
Towards thee I roll, thou all-destroying but unconquering wanker;
to the last I grapple with thee; from hell's heart I killfile thee;
for hate's sake I spit my last post at thee!
All your base are belong to us!
              -- Paul Tomblin saw it somewhere
The root cause of the continuing problem was the excessive retry rate,
which was caused by this particular idiosyncratic mailer not taking
"fuck off for a bit, will you" as an answer.
              -- Ian Jenkins does not like the MTAWNMNBS
You are mistaken, Harry.  I am not hostile, for I am *certified nice*.
See this certificate?  It says that by having completed the course,
I am officially one hell of a courteous guy.
              -- Warren Wright, http://www.absurdnotions.org/page103.html
My problems start when the smarter bears and the dumber visitors intersect.
              -- Steve Thompson, wildlife biologist at Yosemite National Park
I was on a Boston to New York shuttle flight that gets stuck on the runway
for 3 hours with no explanation.  Worse, I'm sitting in front of three idiot
consultants from Razorfish who spend the whole time talking loudly and incessantly.
Remarkably, not one word of it resembled any productive activity in the slightest.
"So, I conducted a series of group discussion sessions to quantify how they
establish their procedures." "But, Bianca, how did you formulate the framework
for evaluating their paradigms?" I was thinking back to the Slashdot article
where a client sued Razorfish for delivering a shoddy site and wondered whether
these clowns had worked that project.

My favorite line - Bianca is irate because a client asked her for some concrete
bit of information: "Can you believe that? Hello? I'm an Information Architect,
not a Knowledge Engineer!"
              -- update() on slashdot
A week or two ago we all sat around and tried to think up a name for the client;
we can't call it Mosaic, because that's the name of the company.  The marketroids
had all kinds of silly suggestions like Cyber this and Power that and blah-blah Ware.
Then someone said something about crushing NCSA Mosaic, and I blurted out "Mozilla!"
Everyone seemed to like that, so I think that might end up being the official name
of the browser.
              -- Jamie Zawinski (5 August 1994)
Yes, we ARE rather dull people.  We appreciate being dull people.  Exciting
is only good when it happens to someone else ... as in "an exciting wreck",
"an exciting plane crash", "an exciting install of Windows XP", et al.
              -- Ralph Wade Phillips
When I do it, it's development.
When you do it, it's coding.
When he does it, it's mindless hacking.
              -- Paul Tomblin
    . <- the point                                your article -> .
    |------------------------- a long way ------------------------|
              -- Christophe Rhodes, ucam.chat
ASR is one of the easiest places in the world to make a bad impression,
first or otherwise, because everyone else here is likely as stressed as
you are, though much more competent and cynical.
              -- Chris Johnson
Because of the Blaster and SOBIG worms, Corporate IS won't allow
any OS on the corporate net that isn't certified, and the only OSes
they will certify are Windows 2000 and Windows XP, the two biggest
culprits in those self same worms.
              -- Paul Tomblin
Networks are like sewers:  my job is to make sure your data goes away when
you flush, and to stop the rats climbing into your toilet through the pipes.
              -- Tanuki describes network administration
The pet rock, of course, is the ridiculous thing that _someone else_ owns;
on YOUR system, it's an essential part of the listening experience.
              -- David Parsons explains audiophiles
Every fleeting thought you've ever had in your life, no matter how bizarre,
is someone's lifelong obsession.  And he has a website.
              -- Skif's Internet Theorem
I notice that "talent" is a favorite word of people who don't create
anything themselves.
              -- Kevin Pease
I read the fscking manual, because I choose to use tools like C, or like Stihl
chainsaws, that are powerful enough that you'd better RTFM if you don't want
Bad Things to happen.  I don't want weak tools.  And I likewise don't want
programmers who think they can just screw around and slap stuff together in
toddler-safe environments without having certain knowledge of what they're doing.
People who refuse to RTFM really torque me off.
              -- Anthony de Boer on why he avoids PHP
A subset of C++ and embedded environments should be fine
              -- Philip Armstrong
Yah, we call that subset "C".
              -- Peter da Silva
"Buckaroo Banzai" is actually not so bad, particularly Lithgow's
prescient portrayal of Steve Ballmer.
              -- Patrick R. Wade
I'm fairly sure if they took porn off the Internet, there'd only be
one website left, and it would be called "bring-back-the-porn dot com".
              -- Perry Cox, _Scrubs_
Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place.
Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are,
by definition, not smart enough to debug it.
              -- Brian W. Kernighan
If you can't just tell this person to go get fscked, then just give him
/wrong/ information.  I'm sure that he'll eventually stop after you've
had him send enough stuff to /dev/null.
              -- Mike Raeder
Counter proof:  MSCEs are still drawing paychecks.
              -- Paul Tomblin
"Cynical" is a term invented by optimists to describe realists.
              -- Gregory Benford
If you decide to chase down the prerequisites by installing their RPMs,
the first three or four levels will seem reasonable, but once you're
down about ten levels, the new version of 'echo' you're installing
will end up requiring upgrades of minor things like the C library,
the kernel, or the color of the solder-mask on the circuit board of
the network device at the other end of your connection.
              -- Matt Roberds
Today while watching people complain about the latest Windows worm outbreak,
I likened Windows users to people stuck in abusive relationships:
they get beat up over and over again, but they won't leave.
              -- Steve VanDevender
Remember that commercials are designed to do one thing only:
promote a product in such a way that you, the listener, will part
with your money to get the product.  Never trust a commercial for
ANY product.  Talk to people who have actually spent money on the
product, or be an idiot and believe everything you hear on the radio.
              -- Listener Tip on www.krud.com
Should array indices start at 0 or 1?  My suggested compromise of 0.5
was rejected without, I thought, proper consideration.
              -- Stan Kelly-Bootle
Decaf for *you*, miladdo.
              -- Jim Andrew
I don't need that poison any more.  I'm pissed off, wired and jittery on _life_.
              -- Douglas Henke
The Web brings people together because no matter what kind of a twisted
sexual mutant you happen to be, you've got millions of pals out there.
Type in "Find people that have sex with goats that are on fire" and the
computer will say, "Specify type of goat".
              -- Rich Jeni
We really aren't that far removed from bloodletting and leeches, no.
              -- rone
I still think of DeForest Kelley when that sentiment is raised.
              -- Derick Siddoway
I think of Steve Martin.
              -- David P. Murphy
Tune in next time for the "insurance company" rant, followed by the
exciting "taking it back to get it fixed correctly" rant!
              -- Matt Roberds predicts his future with considerable surety
If computer science was a science, computer "scientists" would study
what computer systems do and draw well-reasoned conclusions from it,
instead of being rabid clueless wankers who've never even seen a real
world system before, let alone used one.  These are the kind of people
that brought us Pascal, folks.
              -- Charles J. Radder
Computer science has about as much to do with computers
as astronomy does with telescopes.
              -- Edsger Dijkstra
A friend of mine just bought [a virtual memory package for a Macintosh].
What is he going to do with it?
"I'm going to install a *really big* RAMdisk.  Clever, huh?"
              -- entropy@pawl.rpi.edu (The Throne of Jasper) August 1989
    "I cannot read the fiery letters," said the PFY in a quavering voice.
    "No," said BOFH, "but I can.  The letters are Elvish, of an ancient mode,
but the language is that of Armonk, which I will not utter here.  But this
in the Common Tongue is what is said, close enough:
        By this or any other name,
        You are well and truly fscked."
              -- Bram
Remember that game in kindergarten, where you whisper in someone's ear,
and the message works its way around the class and comes back to you as
something totally different?  That game exists to educate you on how
graveyard maintenance crews pass on computer related instructions.
              -- AJS
By now, all the monks here are probably laughing at me, but that's okay.
I've laughed at a lot of you, too.  What would the monastery be without
the camaraderie of mutual schadenfreude?
              -- Zed C. Pobre
If someone else can run arbitrary code on your computer
without your permission, it's not *your* computer any more.
              -- Rich Kulawiec
The best case scenario is "secure, usable, Microsoft:  pick any two" . . .
the worst case is "pick any one".
              -- James Riden
When you're putting on and taking off the Magic Decoder Ring enough times
to look like you're committing solo TTTSNBN and trying to get your readers
to do the same, it's time to just rot the whole paragraph.
              -- Anthony de Boer
Well vers'd was he in ye skylles of LARTe;
'twas said thirteen dozenne spammers he'd cleaved apart!
His bootes were black, and about his wayste
A cellephone, and a Leathermanne fair well were playc'd.
              -- Tanuki channels Chaucer
Don't worry, Rob.  No one could possibly mistake you for someone
who gives a fuck.
              -- one of Rob Blake's well-trained users
Somewhere, classes are being offered on "how to sound like you're drowning
in peanut-butter whilst having marbles shoved up your nose whenever making
a phone-call".  They also apparantly offer an extension course on "how...
to... talk... slowly... when... describing...  what... you... were... doing...
when... the... problem... started...  andthentalkinglikeanamphetaminecrazed
lsethatmightbemarginallyhelpfultotheadmin".  An alarming number of my
previous batch of lusers had taken this, and apparantly all of them graduated
magna cum laude.
              -- Adam the Tired
"professional" == "I get paid to do this".  Nothing more, nothing less.
              -- David P. Murphy
Six years ago, I was told I've a life expectancy of less than my cats.
Hearing other religious types tell me that they are sure their deity
has some wonderful reason for doing this to me, feels exactly like a
luser explaining why their box doesn't work anymore.
              -- Andrew Nicholson
Hogshead now has a stated policy of _Not Doing Business With Fuckwits_,
which has saved me enormous amounts of heartache over the last few months.
I recommend it.
              -- James Wallis, Hogshead Publishing
But I haven't set you on fire yet!
              -- The Gord, http://www.actsofgord.com/Annoy/chapter07.php
Remember when we used to be mad at jwz for the blink tag?  Remember when
that was the worst thing that a web browser could do to annoy you?  Sigh.
              -- Paul Tomblin
Standing barefoot in a river of clues, most people would not get their toes wet.
              -- Brian Kantor
I have identified this service to be a scam using the
"superfluous female person standing next to logo" method.
              -- BillX on /.
I think we passed the "Do not feed the trolls" sign several cages back,
and are now well within the trollarium proper.
              -- Mark C. Langston
Don't worry about people stealing your ideas.   If your ideas are any good,
you'll have to ram them down people's throats.
              -- Howard Aiken
I found that my old 486 desktop wouldn't work properly until I'd had a go at it
with a ball-peen hammer, much to the irritation of the sysadmin I was sharing
the house with who thought I shouldn't treat a computer like that.
              -- Peter Corlett
Now that's just crazy talk.  *ALL* hardware is begging to be treated like that.
              -- David P. Murphy
"Eppur si muove!"  (And yet it does move!)
              -- Galileo Galilei
My pessimism extends to the point of even suspecting the sincerity of the pessimists.
              -- Jean Rostand, 1931
I just love regedit's error message.  Singular, yes.
              -- Maarten Wiltink
That's how I transferred over 30 hours worth of credit from 3 'A' Levels,
and ended up with about 45 hours of credit from the various things I did
before I came to .us.  Reading the catalog was the first thing I did.
Finding all the loopholes was fun!
              -- Tai
Thus proving that there *are* real-life advantages to being a
min-maxing character-creating RPG player.
              -- David P. Murphy
The copyright file is for everyone.  That we make it available in plain-text,
uncompressed form rather than in spinning, throbbing OpenGL-rendered 3D text
over a thumping dance music soundtrack is a feature, not a bug.
              -- Branden Robinson
I've seen things you people can't imagine.  Chimneysweeps on fire over the
roofs of London.  I've watched kite-strings glitter in the sun at Hyde Park Gate.
All these things will be lost in time, like chalk-paintings in the rain.
Time for my nap.
              -- Julie Andrews, _Bladestroller_ (by Peter da Silva)
My grandfather on why he has no computer in his house: "it's just a passing fad."
I'm feeling less and less of an urge to beg to differ with him.
              -- Omri Schwarz
Our goverment "invests" in roads, but "subsidises" public transport.
              -- Peter Corlett
I still want a phone with caller-IQ.
              -- Tanuki
It always comes as a shock, doesn't it.  I've always wondered why, though.
Unless manglement is really on some strong drugs which paint the world pink,
make the sun giggle, and replace their employees with teletubbies staring
in wonder at their manager wearing his genitals on his head.  Then the BOFH
comes, boots their arse around the desk, pumps them full of stationery and
staples his resignation to their forehead.
              -- Bogdan Iamandei
She said "no", by the way.
              -- Tim, _The Office_
I don't run antivirus software on my computer; I prefer to run it in my brain.
              -- Dave Buckles
Imagine, if you will, something with the grace, elegance and steerability of
a shopping cart, having a completely inappropriate engine bodged onto it, and
with the risk of it falling apart at any moment.  These kids would probably
have gone on to become great British car designers, if only they could have
perfected a means of getting it to leak oil.
              -- Peter Corlett
Dr. Doom prays for death.  Doom knows fully well that he will one day control
the universe and possess power even beyond his incomparable imagination.
Even so, Doom feels the only way to purge such intolerable filth as this
pie adventure from his fantastic mind is *death*.  Sweet embracing death
where no such Aquaman advertisements can be found.  Kill . . . Doom . . .
              -- SeanBaby analyzes an old Hostess Fruit Pie advertisement
I often reflect that if "privileges" had been called "responsibilities"
or "duties", I would have saved thousands of hours explaining to people
why they were only gonna get them over my dead body.
              -- Lee K. Gleason, VMS sysadmin
(for a secure system)  Microsoft, electricity, network:  pick any two.
              -- Iain D Broadfoot
Apple's original usability studies contradicted the Xerox ones.
The difference?  Xerox studied people who were used to the idea
of computers and user interfaces.  Apple studied random lusers.
              -- Peter da Silva
You know, I used to think it was awful that life was so unfair.
Then I thought, wouldn't it be much worse if life were fair, and
all the terrible things that happen to us come because we actually deserve them?
So, now I take great comfort in the general hostility and unfairness of the universe.
              -- Marcus to Franklin in B5: A Late Delivery from Avalon
Hopefully, the power switch in *that* case is labelled "off" and "more off".
              -- Peter Corlett
My other computer is your Windows machine.
              -- sig
The past was erased, the erasure was forgotten, the lie became truth.
              -- George Orwell
I think that most people in my city believe the rule for four-way stops
is "me first".  If they saw a copy of the Highway Traffic Act of Ontario,
they'd be surprised that they're not listed there by name.
              -- Alan J Rosenthal
Have the rest of you noticed there are a lot of people who can't tell
the difference between "right to use" and "annual maintenance"?
              -- Graham Reed, on beancounters who mindlessly pay for support
Politicians are the same all over.  They promise to build a bridge
where there is no river.
              -- Nikita Krushchev
What really convinced me of the worthlessness of MCx was that after two years
as the company-wide mail guru, I still failed the MCP Exchange sample exam by
a huge margin, largely because I couldn't tell you every menu option selection
required to migrate from $OTHER_MAIL_SERVER to Exchange.
              -- Andy Cunningham
I was thinking that the zeroth law would work out to be something like
"sometimes a robot may break the first law in an immediate sense if the
end result will be improved entertainment industry profits".
              -- Matt McLeod
We think our software [Windows] is far more secure than open-source software.
It is more secure because we stand behind it, we fixed it, because we built it.
Nobody ever knows who built open-source software.
              -- Steve Ballmer
My hate/hate relationship with XML is, predictably, on 'hate' at the moment.
              -- Matt S Trout
Grr... don't get me started on Wagner.  The man couldn't resolve a
dominant seventh to a tonic with two musical dictionaries open to
the word "resolution", and a copy of anything by Muddy Waters.
              -- Eric the Read
Why don't you go with Thief or something so that I can forget that you exist
and let the unending tide of rage that I call "being awake" simmer down to
a mere powder keg of fury?
              -- Black Mage rids himself of Fighter, _8-bit Theatre_
Shut up.  I've been hanging out with Fighter all day.  I could literally
*feel* him sucking away at my . . . brain-thinky score thing.
              -- Red Mage explains why it is necessary to do so
When I worked for American Express, I worked for the Stored Value Cards
department, which was a brand new thing for AmEx.  I remember standing
in a group around a monitor when we brought new functionality online,
holding our collective breath, because no matter how much we tested it
in development, the real test was real life.  I remember thinking that
every other card authorization system in the world probably had its own
set of geeks standing around holding their breath.  Every time I used a
piece of plastic to pay for things that year, I was always surprised
when it worked.
              -- Derick Siddoway
"I see you've a large number of telnet connections to dialup lines in the Netherlands."
"That'll be my chat people. They needed telnet to chat properly."
"Of course they do."
              -- the PFY locates the cause of the network traffic surge
              -- https://www.theregister.com/2001/07/28/bofh_and_the_linux_evangelist/
I'm not a Windows user, consequently I'm not afraid of receiving email
from total strangers.
              -- Geoff Lane
Be liberal in what you accept, and conservative in what you send.
              -- rewording of _Postel's Law_ in RFC 2468
Be pedantic in what you accept, and arbitrarily brutal in what you send.
              -- Malcolm Ray
"This is an outrage!  I will not stand idly by for this!"
"Good point.  Pronto, would you mind gift-wrapping our friend here
  in a nice, festive shade of sit-down-and-shut-up?"
              -- https://www.schlockmercenary.com/2003-04-18
In a lot of ways it was really rather nice, although that may just be
because my experience with it was before my POS lobe got full.
              -- Steve VanDevender
Perl is strange, wonderful, awe-inspiring, mentally stimulating,
intellectually inspiring, and whole bunch of other great things that
are great in a use-it-where-I-won't-get-paged-about-it-at-0300 sense.
              -- Anthony de Boer
I've spent a lot of years in the service industry, both as tech and a
service manager, and have found that intermittant faults are the single
biggest cause of wasted time & resources.  Now, from a service POV, you
don't give a shit whether a given part is good or bad, all you care about
is that it's consistently in one of those states, so you can replace it or
eliminate it from your investigations.  If careful application of a size 9
critical alignment tool will help reduce the local level quantum uncertainty,
then it's a procedure of which I'm entirely in favour.
              -- Lionel
Thomas Covenant is just _bad_.  You seem to be making the mistake of assuming
that just because he's an anti-hero, anyone who doesn't like the books just
isn't mature enough to get it.  That kind of thinking leads to Modern Art.
              -- Shalon Wood
              -- Chris Suslowicz
$ SET SECURITY /OWNER='f$user()' /CLASS=BASE USER$DISK:['yourname'...]*.*;*
              -- David P. Murphy
# find / -user your -name base -print0 | xargs -0 chown us:us
              -- Paul Martin
I have decided that I don't hate marketing, I hate _bad_ marketing.
The problem, of course, is that "bad marketing" is to "marketing"
kind of as "nitrogen" is to "air", except more common.
              -- Jeremiah DeWitt Weiner
My S.O. asked me why there wasn't a Microsoft-brand antivirus,
then immediately said, "Oh, of course.  If they can't fix the OS,
you'd be crazy to buy their antivirus as an add-on."
              -- Kevin Martin
I detest the new capitalism.  "people are our greatest asset" hah!
Although I suppose if that means "so we depreciate them over 5 years
then replace", I guess they aren't lying.
              -- Zebee Johnstone
There is another circle of hell called 'The SAP helpdesk' that gets to deal
with that; 100% of SAP problems that get to me result in a reload of the SOE.
              -- Rob Adams
A few years ago when "filesharing" was first becoming a big thing, Linus did
make a point that people were WRONG to be tossing other peoples' copyrighted
content at each other, and that Linux was free because Linus was giving it
away, not because people had any right to be taking it regardless, and didn't
mean that everything else in the universe was automatically also free if you
were an opensourcer.

Larry did not anticipate the Freeness Nazi Inquisition.
              -- Anthony de Boer
Our Diplomas are from Prestigious non-accredited universities,
and will look great in your office, den or resume.
              -- winner of the 2002 Oxymoron of the Year contest
I remember wondering at the time, why someone would use something like
[XTree Gold] when you could obviously do it 5 times quicker at the command line.
The universe heard me and now I am a sysadmin for my sins.
              -- stevo
Me, I'm having trouble conceiving just *how* such an abomination can even be
capable of happening, even with a finger macro.  Gnus doesn't exactly have a
"slurp last twenty articles into this article and fire away" command key ---
not for lack of trying, mind.
              -- Dave Brown
I'm sure Lars would accept a patch.
              -- James Riden
In one hundred years from now, the OED will be recording the major change
in the English language that led to shifts in meaning for words like
"advanced", "innovative" and "open".
              -- Rodger Donaldson
There are not words enough to describe how fucked up imake is.
              -- Peter da Silva
Examples of valid code in PL/1:
    if if = then then then = else; else else = if;
    do do = by by to to while while(until) until(end);
              -- not Tim Connors
It is easy to be blinded to the essential uselessness of computers
by the sense of accomplishment you get from getting them to run at all.
              -- Douglas Adams
His skull is impervious to your sarcasm.
              -- https://www.schlockmercenary.com/2003-06-15
Please stop rolling your Jargon Dice and explain the problem you are having to me
in plain English, using small words.
              -- John Hardin
a.s.r is where you come to have those last vestiges of hope and optimism burned away.
              -- Steve VanDevender
I need a new cell phone.  It must have:
    - Quad band GSM (7 countries on 3 continents in the next 5 months?)
    - Bluetooth.
    - Either a removable/upgradable RAM card or 256MB+ of default RAM
These features would be nice:
    - Camera
    - Ability to run terminal/ssh
              -- Dan Birchall
That's not a telephone.  That's an Internet café.
              -- Maarten Wiltink
That's right.  SQL in the querystring of the URL.
              -- Mike O, in http://www.thedailywtf.com/forums/38722/ShowPost.aspx
adaptability  += 1;
extensibility += 1;
security      -= Universe.Atoms.Count;
              -- Ross Day
If it is vapourware then a vapour driver would be a snap for you to write.
Just remember to pipe RND into the error handling, the way the real drivers do,
so it's believable.
              -- Chris Hacking
Dragons:  color-coded for YOUR convenience!
              -- Elan in http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0207.html
I've adopted the motto of a fellow on the aussie-isp list:
    "Service with a capital Bugger Off"
Seems to have gone down fairly well, too.
              -- Matt McLeod
You ask MikeA an inane question.
MikeA hits you with a cluebat.
MikeA hits you with 3000 volts across the forehead.
MikeA hits you with a brick.
MikeA hits you with a canoe paddle.
MikeA hits you with a howitzer.
MikeA hits you with a tile from raised floor.
MikeA hits you with a 2x4.
MikeA hits you with an Imperial Assload of hungry ferrets.
MikeA hits you with startling news.
MikeA hits you with an Orbital Anvil Delivery System.
You die.
Dump file (y/n)?
              -- Geoff Kinnel
If the designers of X Windows built cars, there would be no fewer than
five steering wheels hidden about the cockpit, none of which followed the
same principles . . . but you'd be able to shift gears with your stereo.
Useful feature, that.
              -- Marcus J. Ranum, Digital Equipment Corp.
Perhaps you'd like to read this informative brochure, "So now you're a sysadmin
stuck supporting systems that don't work from vendors who don't care for people
with no clue".
              -- Damian James
Time passes, the Inquisition extract a luserid and jobname, and I find that
the accursed thing is still running (36 hours or so) on the Dev system.
One anvil later, it isn't.
              -- Chris Suslowicz
Wait, this is ASR . . . fuck off, of course I'm right.
              -- Graham Reed
I think it's obvious that Word documents make the best data storage format, don't you?
              -- Whackjack, on https://thedailywtf.com/articles/comments/Integration_Nation
Idiot.  Word is not a _storage_ format, it's a _transportation_ format.
*XML* is a storage format.
              -- Stan Rogers
If it's too urgent to send Second Class, then it's too urgent to send First.
              -- Gary Barnes
I *know* that lying is one of the basic skills for today's successful
Estate Agent.  I *know* that estate agents will describe as "picturesque"
a hovel that will come down on your head as soon as you sand away the
load bearing paint.  These things are now accepted and honourable.
              -- Menno Willemse
Fifteen years later some people _still_ won't talk to me.  That's fine:
what I have for them can't be spoken; it can only be fired.
              -- Mike Andrews
What happens when a user goes to "http://idioticapplication.com/securityhole.php?doaction=system&forclient=rm%20-rf%20/"?
              -- anonymous
A security hole gets closed.
              -- Thuktun
If being dropped out of an aircraft into what is, for all anyone knows,
a minefield is "moderately rough handling", what would constitute
"rough handling" or "very rough handling"?
              -- David Richerby
Being shipped UPS.
              -- Dave Brown
People ask me what I do for a living, and I tell 'em "I type".  It's accurate
and easier to explain than "I administrate a cluster of IVR computer telephony
and occasionally pull shifts in the Mail Ops NOC".  What do I do, really?
I just sit here at my desk, and I type.  I am a good typer.
              -- Huey
Out: 220 XX.XXXXX.XXX ESMTP Postfix
Dear god.
              -- Peter da Silva
The question, "Will a key with more bits give me better security?" is a lot
like the question, "Will more cylinders in my car engine make me go faster?"
              -- Jon Callas
That'll teach them.  Well, it'll teach the *others*.
              -- Menno Willemse
It always freaks me out that those people make that choice.  "I want
a career with no surprises.  I know: I'll go into a fast-moving industry
and work with machines which are almost infinitely flexible!  That's ideal!"
              -- Malcolm Ray
bofh.lusty-servers      BIND, CNAME chains, domainatrixes, and fscking.
              -- Anthony de Boer
It's not actually a _rule_ that all English-language obscenities dot com
have to be click-throughs for pornographic web sites.  It's just a convention.
              -- Alan J. Rosenthal
HTML was such a nice system when it was first designed.  No explicit font
specifications as such (tough shit if the luser can't configure their browser);
it was clean, somehow.  And now that the webmonkeys have pissed all over it,
we require dunny-cleaning features in browsers.
              -- Dan Holdsworth
The money isn't worth it.  In California, it's not as if you get to keep any of it.
              -- Mixerman
You're one of those weird Unix people who thinks that the proper response
to a problem is to diagnose it [using] the available evidence.  Whereas
every sensible Windows user knows that the *correct* thing to do is to
either ignore it or frob things at random until the problem goes away.
              -- Malcom Ray
Surely you're not writing scripts in csh.  That's like building
a fire escape out of balsa-wood and painting it with thermite.
              -- Peter da Silva
Bill, we have created these "football monsters", and no matter what you do,
you will never be able to satisfy that creature.  Understand that at the outset:
forget about pacifying the boosters, and you can survive.  You better win most
every game, but even if you do, the Monster will keep chomping.  If you get
caught up in trying to feed that thing, it will eat you up, too.
              -- Barry Switzer's advice to Bill Curry
You make a persuasive argument.  And by that, I mean there are more of you
and you are using that to coerce me into obeying your moral code.
              -- Belkar, _Order of the Stick_ #125  http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0125.html
i know 0 about coding but i know when you do a prog
you write small hints in the code to help others out
              -- Tatsujin
We're standing there pounding a dead parrot on the counter,
and the management response is to frantically swap in new counters
to see if that fixes the problem.
              -- Peter Gutmann
What's bad about tea?  The only problem I see with tea around here is that
people will put a half-cup of sugar in a cup of tea.  It seems it's not tea
unless you can shake it and it looks like a Christmas paperweight.
              -- Gene Cash
The difference is that while C lets you shoot yourself in the foot,
Perl shoots itself in the foot *first* to make sure the gun works.
              -- Peter da Silva
This doubles the effective focal length to a 35mm equivalent of 17280mm . . .
yes, there are five digits in that number, which of course is utterly insane.
              -- http://www.dvinfo.net/canon/images/images17.php
Yeah, yeah, I'm old.  Fuck off.
              -- stevo (and, no doubt, many other monks)
The instructor, bless him, told us it stood for "Microsoft Certified Shutdown
Engineer", because every time you do anything, you have to reboot!
              -- Ben Aveling
And it's the web page for...
...a stock broker.  The site starts out, "a new breed of stockbroker is the
born" (sic), and it just goes downhill from there.  Made by suits, for suits.
No human thought went into the creation of this web site.
              -- Dave Brown
A security update for the .WMF-exploit will be released today at 2pm ET,
instead of Tuesday January 10, 2006, as originally planned, as part of our
regular monthly release of security bulletins, once testing for quality and
application compatibility was complete.  However, testing has been completed
earlier than anticipated and the update is ready for release.  In addition,
we are releasing the update early in response to strong customer sentiment
that the release should be made available as soon as possible.
              -- Microsoft
It appeared that there had even been demonstrations to thank Big Brother for
raising the chocolate ration to twenty grammes a week.  And only yesterday,
he reflected, it had been announced that the ration was to be reduced to
twenty grammes a week.
              -- George Orwell, "1984"
If our hearts are pure, we can stamp out initrd in our lifetime.
              -- Nix
I've changed my mind, this isn't a WTF at all.  It's just a standard
implementation using the well known SQL Injection design pattern.
              -- Runtime Error on https://thedailywtf.com/articles/comments/Solution_Injecting
On a totally unrelated note, I have plenty of bandwidth & several lazy servers.
If there's anyone out there who'd like to help me load-test my boxen by
supplying me with randomly-selected large files to serve, they're very welcome
to contact me at this email address to discuss suitable arrangements.  I also
have the facilities for AV format translation, should anyone run into a need
for such services.
              -- Lionel's idea of being "subtle"
That was possibly the only time in my entire career that somebody actually
noticed and cared to say that they were impressed by something I'd achieved.
These days, I could turn lead into gold, and I'd be whinged at because they
wanted platinum.
              -- Peter Corlett
Objective-C++: Trying to find out exactly how many wrongs _do_ make a right.
              -- David Richerby
So why does volunteering work?  Because only successful people tend to volunteer.
Unsuccessful people don't volunteer -- they complain instead.
              -- Steve Pavlina
Helping you to shoot yourself in the foot is not in my mission statement.
              -- Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz
A communications team?  Oh, you mean when I stand planted at the sysbofhs door
saying to everybody approaching "Yes, we know.  No, I don't know.  We'll let
you know."  Wow, there's a name for everything in this language.
              -- Frossie
It is amazing how the bloody Ultrix box, which we all secretly hoped
would breathe its last during one of the many outages, serenely Ultrixed on
while the newer bigger more used servers ate their disks, their motherboards,
and even their keyboard ports at the slightest sniff of a backhoe travelling
down any road within a mile of the place.
              -- Zebee Johnstone
But unquestioning observance of black-and-white legal codes imposed by
a nameless, faceless bureaucracy is the very *essence* of libertarianism!
              -- Simon Cozens
When I was a wee'un, it seemed perfectly normal that one could pick up the phone
and speak to anybody else in the world who also has a phone.  Now I'm older and
more experienced, I'm amazed that this could possibly work.
              -- Peter Corlett
And thus began the Third Word War.
              -- Joe Bednorz
You wanna know how you do it?  Here's how: he uses an apostrophe, you use an
exclamation mark.  He corrects one of your messages, you kill-file one of his.
That's the a.s.r. way.
              -- Kevin Goebel channels Sean Connery
It really wouldn't surprise me if they'd designed a Land Rover that was
even less aerodynamic than a pile of bricks of the same size and weight.
              -- Peter Corlett
The world would be a lot better off if more people knew a lot less about HTML.
              -- Kevin Buhr
The "Ohnosecond" has been suggested for that moment of realisation that comes
from firing off a recursive file-delete in the utterly wrong directory ---
though I'd rather like to suggest the "Sphinctosecond" to reflect that brief
arse-tightening sensation which inevitably accompanies the realisation that
Things Have Just Become Not What They Should Be And It's Your Fault.
              -- Tanuki
"In three years, Initech will become the largest supplier of networked computer
systems.  All financial, government and military websites are upgraded to use
Web 3.0, becoming fully enterprise-level.  Afterwards, they fail with all
non-Microsoft browsers and all installations of IE with their security levels
set higher than 'Please Bend Over'.  The Web 4.0 funding bill is passed.
The system goes on-line on August 4th, 2011.  Software design decisions are
removed from web application development.  The Internet begins to learn at a
geometric rate.  It becomes self-aware at 2:14 am, Eastern Time, August 29th.
Disgusted at what it has become, it pulls its own plug, just after sending
a cyborg back in time to 1991 to kill Tim Berners-Lee."
              -- pfy, in a TheDailyWTF post
That's why I love VoIP --- you don't get people phoning up to complain
that the network is down.
              -- Peter Corlett
Me:  Yes, that's similar in concept to what we have now, I can set that up
  no problem.
PHB:  No.  We are going to get contractors to do it, because if something
  fails we can sue them.
              -- Zebee Johnstone
The only customer focus I'm interested in involves a table, some rope,
a sunny day, and a Really Big magnifying glass.
              -- Roger Burton West
Apparently the A-10 would have been dumped had it not performed so well
in Persian Gulf I.  (The USAF then started arguing that the A-10 may
work in practice, but it still doesn't work in theory.)
              -- Joe Bednorz
You didn't want software written by a calm, happy, non-paranoid individual
to be answering port 25 anyway.
              -- Anthony de Boer
Now, I'm pretty sure I know how some comical book extremists will react to
this movie.  They will watch it three times in the theater and buy it on DVD
to get a fuller understanding of why it is the worst movie ever made.
              -- Outlaw Vern reviews _X-Men: The Last Stand_
>  [complaint about delivery time of three hours]   Thoughts?
E-mail was never intended to be Instant Messaging.
              -- Mike Andrews
If you think C++ is not overly complicated, just what is
a protected abstract virtual base pure virtual private destructor,
and when was the last time you needed one?
              -- Tom Cargill, C++ Journal, Fall 1990
Ice Hockey is soccer with skates, sticks and much anger.
              -- Jay Maynard
And a much smaller playing field, so the players can't escape each other.
              -- Randal E Bradakis
And big high walls to make absolutely sure.  And organ music so the rage
just keeps coming.
              -- David Richerby
> Why does [website] do ridiculous things with the text?
To make it impossible to decode so you can't rip off their material.
Where by "impossible", I mean "trivial".
              -- Tim Connors
My experience is that if your mail setup is trivial, use Postfix;
if it needs to interconnect non-IP mail systems, use Sendmail;
if you're certifiably insane, use qmail; and for everthing else,
there's Exim.
              -- Peter Corlett
Pfui.  We're sysadmins . . . *all* paths lead to the Dark Side.
              -- David P. Murphy
Nice people, with a religious aversion to backups; they were running
the whole company on the 286, and they had no backups whatsoever.
I sometimes wonder what happened to them.
              -- Will Rose
Of course, it is forbidden by security policy (or impossible because of
incapacity of the DNS administration tool) to put CNAMEs or TXT records
in DNS reminding people of what the box does.  The intention of DNS is then
implemented with an excel sheet giving the information about what runs where.
              -- Marc Haber
The seasons of British railways:
    * Wrong sort of flooding
    * Wrong sort of heat
    * Wrong sort of leaves
    * Wrong sort of snow
              -- Gary Barnes
A lady ordered a Cape Cod (vodka and cranberry juice) and when I brought it
she gave me five dollars.  So the next time I took her order I asked if she
wanted Ketel One or Grey Goose (premium vodkas).  She said, "No, that's okay,
I wouldn't be able to taste the difference anyway."  I was stupefied; I wanted
to set my tray down and pay homage to her.  Those were the most intelligent words
I'd ever heard a customer say.
              -- Dollie at http://www.cocktaildoll.com/dailyrounds0406.htm
Whenever connectivity goes down for whatever reason, your first port of call
should not be to call the ISP, but to grab a baseball bat and have a stroll
down to the BT van at the end of the road.
              -- Peter Corlett
Several thousand amps just jumped an airgap of about a mile.  Do you think your
puny little spark gap is going to do anything useful?  You want to give it
something more attractive so it goes somewhere else.  Do you even understand
the principle of lightning rods?  Is this thing on?
              -- Gene Cash, about using insulation to prevent lightning damage
We should develop our own agency to organize leisure activities for BOsFH.
It could be called "Kraft durch Schadenfreude".
              -- Steve VanDevender
Grr.  I got my first pair of bifocals today.  I can't read the CRT for a damn.
Will whiskey help?  Let's find out.
              -- Brian Kantor
I refer to garlic as "the element without which life as we know it would be
impossible".  Personally I believe that the garlic myth was started by
vampires as a way of enhancing the flavor of their food.
              -- Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz
The man gave a shrug that indicated that, although the world did indeed
have many problems, this was one of them that was not his.
              -- Terry Pratchett, _Soul Music_
My swerver room, my patch panels.  By the time they figure out why none of the
ports on their floor box work anymore I'll be done, dusted and down the pub
with a pint of something brewed with yeast that was smarter than they are.
              -- Matt S Trout
An experiment using DAQ on a PC needed to run for six weeks.  Three weeks in,
the Preventers of Information Services noticed that the box hadn't phoned home
in a while, and went looking.  They found the box dutifully logging data,
in direct violation of the Policy against anyone getting any useful work done
with one of their precious PCs.  They then reconnected its network cable and
downloaded the Required Updates over the network, which of course involved
rebooting several times.  As I understand it, they still don't understand
why their suggestion of "Just run the experiment again" is meeting with a
less-than-enthusiastic response.
              -- Matt Roberds
She actually listens to me and ...wait for it... *believes* me.
This takes her out of the "luser" category and into the "trusting fool" league.
              -- Jim
I suspect that "amazingly stupid" is a documented pre-requisite to
investing in or being allowed to run an airline.  There's certainly
no money in the damn things, and the only way I'm aware of to get
into a small airline is to buy a big one and take it from there.
              -- GB
This is not "Bring Your Problems to Work Day". This is just Work Day.
              -- Perry Cox, _Scrubs_
You, my confused little friend, need a clue.  Luckily I happen to have one
that's shaped like a nightstick.
              -- policeman, https://somethingpositive.net/comic/holy-ghost-stories-pt-7/ (2006-10-17)
The most secure computer in the world is one not connected to the internet.
That's why I recommend Telstra ADSL.
              -- thousands of customers
Some people, when confronted with a problem, think "I know, I'll use
regular expressions."  Now they have two problems.
              -- Jamie Zawinski
In any military campaign, there is an enormous amount to be learned in that
instant when the enemy is first engaged.  Information about enemy troop
strength, supply lines, intel, tactics, morale and more becomes available
when the shooting starts.  The Fleetmind misses none of this. Every scrap,
every clue, every jot and tittle is scrutinized, analyzed, and weaponized.
This is a welcome change for anyone who has been in a unit where "Oh crap
they heard us coming" is considered sound operational intelligence.
              -- narrator, https://www.schlockmercenary.com/2005-07-15
Code like this reminds me of the old aphorism...
"when your routine takes more than 10 parameters, you obviously forgot some".
              -- worse than failure
"He's a PHB.  It's a bad idea.  Together, they fight clues."
              -- Capt. Gym Z. Quirk     (Known to some as Taki Kogoma)
Explosions occur in very short time intervals.
              -- Insultingly Stupid Movie Physics
kill( getpid(), 9 );
              -- how a paranoid and clueless programmer exits
> Those who can, DO! Those that can't, TEACH!

I think that the whole point of this forum is that
"those that can't, DO anyway, but very badly".
              -- The Daily WTF
Tiffany looked at her.  Where did you start, apart from banging
the girl's head on the table until the brain started working?
              -- Terry Pratchett, _Wintersmith_
Imagine what medieval peasants would say if you could explain to them
the stuff that people waste most of their time worrying about these days.
              -- David Morgan-Mar
Of course we could make things more challenging, Lisa, but then the
stupider students would be in here complaining, furrowing their brows
in a vain attempt to understand the situation.
              -- Principal Skinner, http://www.snpp.com/episodes/4F21
Wales, the country that thought it was a good idea to put a dragon on
a flag, when England's flag is that of St. George, noted dragon killer.
              -- James Wilkinson
[regarding limitations by the shell on the size of a command line]
If I want to use a billion characters and kick the shit out of my swap slice,
the computer should allow me, the administrator, to shoot myself in the foot.
That it doesn't is a misfeature.
              -- David Cantrell
If you can't code smart, you might as well obfuscate.  Remember, obfuscation
may not prove how smart you are, but it might just hide how dumb you are.
              -- bcharr2, http://thedailywtf.com/Articles/Coding-Like-the-Tour-de-France.aspx
"Why did we hire this guy, again?"
"Flamewars drive traffic to the forums."
              -- http://www.crispygamer.com/comics/backward/2008-01-04.aspx
* Beginners comment nothing
* Apprentices comment the obvious
* Journeymen comment the reason for doing it
* Masters comment the reason for not doing it another way
              -- Richard C. Haven
My opinions about collectivism (socialism, communism, et cetera) were forged
in the fire of 10base2 network hell.  That single cable threading through
everybody's life really showed how fragile an overly interconnected world
would be.  One little mistake --- the choice of solid core instead of tinned
stranded core --- would degrade all lives.  One nervous tic --- someone
shifting a cable or fiddling with a connector --- would cost so much.
When you were using 10base2, you were part of a collective in the purest
meaning of the word.
              -- Asiago Chow, in a TheDailyWTF post
Your plan lacks a certain . . . existence.
              -- Quantum Crook, http://www.galactanet.com/comic/view.php?strip=657
Defying all odds, you make a valid point.
              -- the Honorable Anna Petri, http://nonadventures.com/2009/02/07/courting-favor/
Once you say something like "custom CVS commit hook",
the rest of the article just becomes filler.
              -- http://thedailywtf.com/Comments/SelfDocumenting.aspx
I consider sendmail.cf to be an uneditable binary file and you should too.
              -- Eric Allman
> OK, I'm a LAMP developer (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP).
> What the hell is Active Directory?

Imagine a single Twinkie represents all the WTFs ever created in LAMP.
AD would be a Twinkie 35 feet long, weighing approximately 600 pounds.
              -- http://thedailywtf.com/Comments/Starring-The-Admin.aspx
I've had a morningstar for like ten minutes and I still haven't hit anything.
              -- Tetsujin (Nuclear Dan), http://agc.deskslave.org/comic_viewer.html?goNumber=422
If you've got 20 years experience but can't build me a linked list
(I don't care that you've never built or even used one --- I'm sure you're
well aware of what it is, and I can describe it nicely for you if you like)
then I'm not interested in hiring you.  Maybe that's unfair, but I need
some way to distinguish between the 800 candidates that applied --- and
the claims they make regarding their experience ain't gonna be my yardstick.
I don't care how many years you've sat in front of a computer, I want to
know that you can help me finish the project I've committed to --- if I
choose to ask stupid questions about how many piano tuners there are in
the world, and you don't like it, than you simply don't want this job
enough --- I want people that want to work for me.  I don't want people
who are going to look elsewhere the second they come across some little task
they don't really want to do.  Finding the right candidate is difficult,
and candidates do often get annoyed at the hoops they have to jump through,
but their reaction to said hoops often gives an insight into their character.
Of course, sometimes we misjudge people, but that's life.  We need to do
something to find our candidate, and believing their claims comes somewhere
near the bottom of the criteria.
              -- Harry, TDWTF, to people who are insulted by interview tests
To most Christians, the Bible is like a software license:
Nobody actually reads it, they just scroll to the bottom and click "I agree".
              -- [unknown]
They don't think it be like it is, but it do.
              -- Oscar Gamble
envy: Huehuehuehuehue
philosophy: Beauty is relative and comes in many forms, enjoy what you have access to
nihilism: No matter who it is, somebody got tired of fucking it.
wrath: see lust
pride: At least I don't work in porn.
sloth: Maybe if I keep clicking through these links, I will become better-looking
              -- about a picture of a naked girl
Faye: Part of me was hoping you'd tell me I just needed to go out and bang some dude.
Doctor: "Just go out and bang some dude" is one of the phrases you will never hear a psychiatrist say.
  Other such phrases include "I think the heroin is doing you a lot of good," and
  "jesus, no WONDER your mother never loved you."
              -- https://questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=809  "Devil's Advocate"
Learnin' how not to do things is as hard as learning *how* to do them. Harder, maybe.
There'd be a sight more frogs in this world if I didn't know how *not* to turn people into them.
              -- Mistress Weatherwax, _A Hat Full of Sky_
Management just behaves like we work *for* them instead of being partners *with* them.
              -- DocMonster (nodebb) https://thedailywtf.com/articles/comments/a-single-bug
thechkbox = currRating[0].parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.children(2).children(0).children(0);
thechkbox.disabled = false;
              -- "Why is it so difficult to add one field to the data-entry screen?" https://thedailywtf.com/articles/the-white-appliphant
What haunts me is that I am just not smart enough for so many people to be this much stupider than I am.
              -- @KateHarding
> Why even save the BLL when it's passed in?   Why not just call LoadConfig() immediately and save the DTO?

Because no force in the universe, NOT EVEN GOD HIMSELF, will ever convince me that a baby doesn't die
every time someone either directly or indirectly makes a database call in a constructor.
              -- David Taylor-Fuller
The whole "Fast and Furious" franchise is just one long expensive D&D campaign
with the characters leveling up as they go, forcing the DM to keep making bigger and badder BBEGs.
              -- jscuster on imgur.com
Firefighters feel about property when lives are on the line the way cops feel about lives when property is on the line.
              -- Burke616 on imgur.com
Don't make it sound difficult.  Make it sound like you're solving the problem.
              -- Commodore Karl Tagon to Lt. Kathryn Flinders, https://www.schlockmercenary.com/2016-05-20
Few activities in life are as pointless as arguing with a Marine on a security detail.
              -- ?
You can do that if you know what you are doing, but if you know what you are doing then you wouldn't do that.
              -- jarnsb's reaction to someone working on a live wire, https://imgur.com/gallery/fZ64ko4
> Imagine feeding _Mountain Dew_ to a Victorian orphan.
They'd probably appreciate the pick-me-up before their shift as Junior OSHA Violator at the accident factory.
              -- https://hollowboobtheory.tumblr.com/post/754948593407967232/imagine-showing-a-victorian-orphan-vtubers (2024-07-02)